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The 'Worlds First Flying Car'

Dizzee Rascal & James Corden's England World Cup Song 2010

She Wants Revenge - These Things

Tiesto ~ Feel it in my bones feat. Tegan & Sara

rosekat says...

I dig their collaborations with Tiesto thus far, good post. But Tegan & Sara videos typically have nothing relevant in content that warrant placement in the 'gay' channel. Mentioning their sexual orientation practically every.damn.time they are featured in a clip here on the sift is an annoying distraction from the content itself. C'mon!

David Bowie & Annie Lennox - Under Pressure

Stephen Baldwin Calls Obama 'Homey'

rosekat says...

Calling GW Bush say, 'Cowboy' made pretty good sense, 'cause that was his attitude. And he owns a ranch. This... is racist, or something similar. All those Baldwins are so classy.

Doug Stanhope - Abortion is Green - Newswipe

enoch (Member Profile)

rosekat says...

Well it was a live album released in 2006, and he had two studio albums (i think) before that. I haven't heard anything after 'desireless,' i was just reading up on him while rediscovering the album. 1998 was just an incredible year for music. There are a few albums I haven't really stopped listening to from that year, mostly Canadian releases. 'Clayton Park' by Thrush Hermit, 'Silent Radar' by The Watchmen, 'Navy Blues' by Sloan... man I love the late 90's.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by rosekat:
Interesting find. I listened to this album again a month ago, there are a few great songs there. He did release a couple albums since then, including his most recent release in 2006, of live material.

he released an album in 2006?was it any good?i loved his earlier stuff..downtempo and chill.

EAGLE EYE CHERRY-shooting up in vain (go remix)

rosekat says...

Interesting find. I listened to this album again a month ago, there are a few great songs there. He did release a couple albums since then, including his most recent release in 2006, of live material.

Ricky Gervais on celebrities and their problems

rosekat says...

>> ^Samaelsmith:
^ Agreed. Where does he get the idea that working class people don't suffer from depression?

The point he's making is that celebrities are pandered to, and succumbing to their 'depression' is like a luxury that most working-class aren't and can't be afforded. 'Cause they have to get their kids off to school, so they suck it up. Also, he may be inferring that the term 'depressed' is used too lightly and inaccurately as a blanket of irresponsibility. Everyone feels like crap sometimes, for an hour, a day, sometimes a few weeks - doesn't mean you're clinically depressed, that requires professional assessment. And yes I understand that loads of people are going through their lives with undiagnosed depression, and that is a damn shame.

Edit: Guess I was beaten to the explanation by dannym! Next time a type before I grab a snack!

Unbreakable - Weight Lifting (deleted scene)

How to Taunt a Hockey Player

Conan's Bugatti Veyron Mouse

Smashing Pumpkins: Stand Inside Your Love

rosekat says...

>> ^jwray:
I don't like it because the lyrics are inaudible at first, and when I look them up they're daft.

Oh. Well I've always regarded it as a great song with beautiful lyrics. Perhaps you just don't 'get' this particular piece, which is fine and dandy. I've mediated on the implications of certain verses quite a number of times over the past decade.

The Top 100 Cheesiest Movie Quotes

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