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Rare Hermit Crab on the Beach

Obama is NOT the 'Change' We Believed In

How Superman shaves.

Magnet Screws Fasten Invisibly

renatojj says...

I wish there was something like a magneto-stent that women could have surgically inserted in their falopian tubes that would open or close with the help of an outside magnet like that.

So women would be able to choose whether they want to be fertile anytime they want.

Why young Luiz doesn't want to eat octopus

renatojj says...

He's stalling...

Just tell him if he doesn't eat the octopus, it will have died in vain, and its spirit will haunt him forever in his dreams.

You can tell him it's a lie once he's all grown up and well fed.

Richard Dawkins - How to Justify Science - Doodle

renatojj says...

I truly admire Richard Dawkins, but the question is philosophical, and the way he answered that question is nothing to look up to.

Most religious people believe in a "higher power" for pragmatic reasons as well, it's emotionally comforting for them, and gives them a sense of purpose. If pragmatism was enough, religion could justify its faith in god the same way.

For example, one of the twelve steps for recovering addicts is "recognizing a higher power". Whether or not that's factually true, the belief is therapeutically useful.

I think a better answer should go along the lines of establishing what "justify" means, then explaining that the alternative, NOT believing in the scientific method, allows knowledge to be arbitrary, or impossible.

At least that's how a philosopher of science would start to answer that question, but I guess "It works, bitches" makes for a better sound bite.

Apple's dirty little tax secret -- Guardian

renatojj says...

@chingalera dude, I never assumed "there are equitable rules that govern which corporate entities may enjoy a seat at the big-boy's table", but the exact opposite of that.

There is a criminal elite, I don't think that elite is, indiscriminately, "corporations". That's childish. Most corporations are also victims of bigger corporations in bed with government, imposing abusive taxation and unfair regulation. You and NinjaInHeat need to learn to make more refined distinctions. Know your enemy.

Please don't ever dispense diagnosis on other people's world views. You stink at it!

Apple's dirty little tax secret -- Guardian

renatojj says...

@NinjaInHeat go ahead, throw away your money paying higher taxes, no one's stopping you, but it won't give you any moral authority to demand higher taxes for other people.

I'd seriously like to understand what justifies a corporation paying progressively more taxes than the rest of us. Aren't we trying to right a wrong here, are profits in the hands of a productive entity or person something inherently bad for society? Should it be transferred to government instead, who is much better at wasting resources than petty cost-conscious businessmen?

Your hatred towards all corporations is misplaced because, believe it or not, they don't all conspire to enjoy the same amount of freedom and privileges. Government is stepping in and benefitting a select few at the expense of many. In this awful economy, many corporations have gone bankrupt or are struggling to get by, while a few benefit from massive bailouts and federal contracts handsomely paid for with the debasement of our currency and heavy taxes you so fiercely want all corporations to pay.

To me, that's neither representative of capitalism, nor of a healthy functioning society.

I think you're mistaken in your understanding that we have any substantial power or responsibility for the actions of our governments. In a democracy, your participation outside of a more influential circle is mostly symbolic. Sure, you can vote and run for office, but that limited capacity for involvement shouldn't be an excuse to shunt any criticism of government.

Apple's dirty little tax secret -- Guardian

renatojj says...

@NinjaInHeat IANAL, but isn't a loophole the exact definition of legally circumventing a law?

My statement doesn't imply concern for Apple, but with our obscene tax burden. Sure, Apple is avoiding taxes, but would paying them make any difference to our hideously massive deficit?

I'd rather see Apple use that money researching a better iPhone, than have government waste it on incompetence, war, and corruption.

Also, what's up with wanting corporations to be heavily taxed? Do you think Apple's profits are obtained at the expense of society? Don't they provide anything of value (like, you know, Apple products) to justify those profits?

If you think they should be punished for being so successful, what kind of message does that send to other businesses, "if you're successful and you grow, we will award you with higher taxes"?

Seriously, it never ceases to amaze me how people sometimes uphold the most blatantly anti-capitalistic views and practices, only to accuse capitalism of being a failure.

Spray on Clothing

Breaking Ranks

Apple's dirty little tax secret -- Guardian

Another Teacher Resigns Her Position Via YouTube

renatojj says...

There should be more freedom for what and how things should be taught in schools, so different content, teachers, and teaching methods can be constantly tested. That's how an educational system should evolve, in the live and dynamic environment of consumer selection, not by top-down planning from self-serving politicians and bureaucrats.

How to crash your motorcycle 5 times in a minute

Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom

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