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Finally - A valid reason for buying snow tires

Monkey Teaches Human How To Crush Leaves

Truck drifting into a garage

Mylie Cyrus - Wrecking Ball - Whale Edition

Aaron Paul Pranks His Friend - Meteorites

Malena Morgan working out

Let's Play 'Is it Racist'?!

rebuilder says...

Call me an optimist, but I just wanted to point out it's possible the lady is a refined connoisseur of the occult and/or brain-devouring corpses, and not a racist douchebag at all. No comment on the likelihood of that.

poolcleaner said:

You're correct. Like the early, pre-romero zombie flicks, which were created with black magic rituals. How unique that she automatically thinks of this era of zombie flick...

Let's Play 'Is it Racist'?!

Russian Guy Does Extreme Swing Spins

rebuilder says...

That's not a swing, this is a swing:

These "village swings" as they were called were quite commong in eastern Finland and Estonia. They could be, and were, swung all the way around as here, only you'd be standing... Couldn't find footage of that, unfortunately.

Nowadays they're somewhat rare, as they're considered dangerous due to the rather great momentum you can achieve with a big swing. Also, as there is nothing to guarantee the swingers actually stay on the swing, you could get mangled pretty badly if things went wrong.

Incidentally, the Baltic countries apparently have a competitive swinging scene, where the objective is to sping as long as swing as possible fully around. The current men's record holder is one Andrus Aasamäe from Estonia, having managed the feat on a swing with a length from the pivot of 702 cm...

South Park On Cable Companies

NOMAD Micro Home

rebuilder says...

For all that they imply this is suitable for all climates, I don't think this would work where I live. The huge windows alone would seem to make this inefficient for a climate where winter temperatures regularly drop to -30 centigrade... I heard the word "heating" once, but I don't see where that fits in here? All electric?

Also, I think it's great people are working on this kind of thing, but 30,000 USD for a small compromise house doesn't sound all that cheap to me. Again, local issues apply, but I'm pretty sure I can just buy a house actually designed for the location and climate it's in for not that much more than that here. Provided I'm willing to move into the sticks, that is. If location matters, then it's the cost of acquiring a plot that is the first sticking point...

US spies on allies for business intel, not national security

Russian Gas Attendant has Dance Moves

"I Quit!" Lady Dances Around the Office at 4AM

WTF Gym Workout

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