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Another Trip To The Long Beach Aquarium Of The Pacific (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

raven says...

am sooooo jealous of your frequent access to this place. The nearest equivalent we have in my region is Shedd in Chicago, and I only make it there every couple years... if that.

ps. pretty video!

I am a sad, petty little woman.... (Blog Entry by smibbo)

blankfist (Member Profile)

LittleRed (Member Profile)

raven says...

Oh there was no mistake... I got all yer sly little nudges about my character and age, didn't get that past me, don't you worry about that.

And as for your judgment of my character and behavior I am choosing to ignore that... seeing as how you "belong to the cannon man" (your words, not mine) I don't find your rush to defend him by getting all angry and obnoxious with me as all that surprising.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
Since you obviously missed it, that wasn't a "Please, tell me how old you are, because I just have to know." It was a "Since you claim to be 25, please act your age. No one appreciates the 12-year-old you."

I also have gone back through more than two weeks of comments, and have yet to see these "good manners" you claim to be giving away.

I'm really not trying to bother you, or change your opinions on MGR. I'm only saying that in the less than a month that i've actually been a member, I've already witnessed several scathing personal attacks. If you want to have such a "discussion" on someone's personal profile, go for it. But everyone knows it's childish and petty to bring the entire community into an argument you'd like to have about someone else's character. This is an issue between you and him. Or maybe now it's a non-issue. Either way, your mother should have taught you that the proper way to tell someone "You're an ass" should never include anyone but the parties directly involved. I hope for your sake this isn't how you generally conduct your activities.

In reply to this comment by raven:
Much older than you... and, on average, I got so many good manners that I be giving them away... so, your lad must've really done something to warrant the expression of my ire in public... tell him congrats.

Also, if you think that bothering me about this is going to change my mind about things you are sorely mistaken.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
Must you pollute someone else's video with personal attacks and name calling? Are you really that ill-mannered?

If you feel that strongly about MGR, there would have been much more appropriate places to say so. Instead, you have nothing at all to say about the video, and start verbal attacks and name calling on a video someone else worked to find? How old are you, really?

In reply to this comment by raven:
Must I explain everything to you? Are you really that dense?

Scorpion vs. Black Widow ~ Intense, sheesh!!!

Scorpion vs. Black Widow ~ Intense, sheesh!!!

raven says...

@arsenault: thank you for the compliments and feel free to side with MG... I never asked for anyone to rise to my defense or validate my opinion... but the truth of the matter is that I don't feel it necessary to spend my time nitpicking through his comments to justify my reaction to his general attitude because my opinion is just that... on his general manner of comporting himself around the sift. I see nothing wrong in telling him that I don't find his behavior charming and in asking him to keep that in mind in future adventures about the internet.

Also, thank you noticing that this thread is, in fact, off from my normal comments... it takes a lot to annoy me to this point and MGR has managed to do just that, so congrats to him, maybe we can give him another prize and he'll feel all better about it.

LittleRed (Member Profile)

raven says...

Much older than you... and, on average, I got so many good manners that I be giving them away... so, your lad must've really done something to warrant the expression of my ire in public... tell him congrats.

Also, if you think that bothering me about this is going to change my mind about things you are sorely mistaken.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
Must you pollute someone else's video with personal attacks and name calling? Are you really that ill-mannered?

If you feel that strongly about MGR, there would have been much more appropriate places to say so. Instead, you have nothing at all to say about the video, and start verbal attacks and name calling on a video someone else worked to find? How old are you, really?

In reply to this comment by raven:
Must I explain everything to you? Are you really that dense?

Music video from Penélope Cruz bro where she kisses sister

raven says...

Hate to burst your bubble JoeDirt, but it may not be her sister... Penelope Cruz's reps are apparently claiming that the other girl is, in fact, actress Mia Maestro, who does actually look like she could be a Cruz... and I guess the whole idea is based on her brother's childhood fantasy of watching his older sisters making out... I am on the fence as to whether this is weird or not.

One of the links I came across today about the matter is here.

Obama and Huckabee slam dunk in Iowa, big margin (Election Talk Post)

I will be 31 on the 31st.... (Blog Entry by laura)

raven says...

No No! That's good! That's what we used to call a 'Golden Birthday' at my elementary school... when your birthdate matches up with the age you are turning... its supposed to be all lucky and good. Several of my little friends at the time hit on their golden birthdays and they got special cakes and presents... I was always rather bummed that I had had mine already at age 4 and hadn't even known about it... so live it up! Do something special for yourself!

VideoSift 3.1 (Sift Talk Post)

Avast Ye Land Lubers, CaptWillard Finds Buried Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

The new photoshop diet.

raven says...

I guess its all what the client wants... maybe they had some standard they had to adhere to that dictates that the lower margin of boobage is vulgar... who knows... although, looking at it, her breasts sort of seem a little bigger and fuller with the bikini edited to fully encompass them, so maybe that was the rationale behind it.

Scorpion vs. Black Widow ~ Intense, sheesh!!!

raven says...

Must I explain everything to you? Are you really that dense?

If you are unwilling to work towards your own personal growth then that is your great loss.

And yes, you are right, not everyone likes everyone... and many people dislike you. I, however, am as usual, the only one with the stones to say anything about it... and I have. Consider it a warning and do with it what you will... shove it up your ass if it feels best there, I don't care and I'm not going to go round and round with you about it.

I have said my piece, I laid it all out there for you, reread it if you don't understand and ruminate on it. Maybe, some of it will sink in, and in the future perhaps you will think before you simply shit words out of your brain and onto the internet.

Scorpion vs. Black Widow ~ Intense, sheesh!!!

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