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VideoSift v3.1 Unveiled (Sift Talk Post)

raven says...

Instaban: I don't know how or why you guys came up with this but I don't like it... I think it will be too easily abused. I mean, just because someone has a diamond does not mean they are instantly above the baser instincts of human nature... as I've said in the past, sifting X-number of videos does not endow wisdom, intelligence, or good judgment skills upon a user.

Is there going to be some oversight to this? And are 'bannable' members those without stars who have submitted vids, or is it everyone without a star? I mean, what is to stop someone from going around and banning all the N00bs that they feel express political or philosophical opinions they do not agree with? Or the trolls? Or people that they believe are trolls just because they say stuff they don't like to hear?

For all my gripes about the way bans have been carried out I at least felt confident knowing that they were being done via the consultation of more than one member... this completely eliminates that, and I don't think it will in any way help encouraging new members, or making this site seem less 'elitist' if Diamonds can suddenly go all vigilante and ban whomever the hell they want.

The potential for this is not good sift lords, not good.

Happy birthday Ant!!!! (Sift Talk Post)

First Male Engineer (30 Secs)

News You Already Knew - High Heels are Bad For You! (Femme Talk Post)

raven says...

Yes, the military issue boots are the worst... every vet I have known over throughout my life (WW2, Vietnam, and both the Gulf Wars) has some similar story about how a new pair takes something like a month of agony to break in, and after that they fit but you can't tell if its because the shoe has changed or because your feet have conformed to the shoe, and either way you guard your boots with your life because you don't want to go through breaking in another pair if you can help it. And I have to say, this has been my experience as well, and why I probably will never buy another pair... that 'look' just isn't as important to me anymore as are comfortable shoes.

PS. choggie... I you must find me picks of stingray skin boots!

Watching the US Presidential Primaries in Canada (Election Talk Post)

Elton John + Ru Paul = Drag Queen Goodness!

raven says...

I didn't think it was particularly gay... I mean, Elton John is pretty out about his sexuality, but I don't know if Ru is gay or not, and I've always found it to be rather presumptuous to simply assume that a female impersonator is gay.

But we can *gay it up if you want.

Lil Miss enjoys a good spoon (Blog Entry by smibbo)

Looking for a sifted, b/w, NSFW cartoon (Animation Talk Post)

Top/Bottom films of 2007? (Cinema Talk Post)

raven says...

Wow... apparently I need to get out more, I've only seen two of those! And in regards to those two, Yes Ratatouille was adorable/funny/very well crafted as all Pixar films should be...

and Yes 300 was horrible in every way possible, achieving not only the complete destruction of one of my favorite graphic novels, but also managing to not so subtly beat the war drums for a future conflict with Iran... good job Hollywood, good freakin' job... I am glad this film is pretty universally recognized as crap, except of course among the young male demographic I go to school with, they're still all like, "Yeah Bro! It it was fucking swweeeeeet!" The warhawks will be happy to know that their propaganda was received well by their target demographic.

*Save bugged? (Sift Talk Post)

Cheese Addiction (Food Talk Post)

raven says...

MMmmm.... nice rarebit recipe Choggie! Although if yer feelin' lazy, I can recommend a similar equivalent... Welsh Red Dragon Cheese... its a cheddar with the ale and the mustard already mixed in... OMG so good! I know Whole Foods carries it... really the only reason I ever go there is for the cheese and olives, can't beat their selection I'm sad to say.

Other tasty cheeses I adore: Spanish Manchengo, a nice soft Port Salute, a slightly warmed Camembert, Drunken Goat, extra Aged Gouda, and this delicious Goat Chevre made by a local goat farm... oh it is heaven indeed!

Looking for a sifted, b/w, NSFW cartoon (Animation Talk Post)

raven says...

hmmm... no, doesn't ring a bell. Have you tried refining your search parameters? Try limiting the search to NSFW vids within the animation channel, and then browse backwards to about the approximate time you remember watching it. I know its not an easy answer, but that's all I can think of to suggest.

*Save bugged? (Sift Talk Post)

News You Already Knew - High Heels are Bad For You! (Femme Talk Post)

raven says...

@snipe Yeah, I would look into something with less of a heel. I wear Asolo hiking boots (pretty pricey when I bought em, but that was 8 years ago and they're still in really good condition, so they have been worth it), and there is very little heel, not even 1/2 inch.

The ankle problem is interesting though, because I have had it before with military style boots (because they seem to always come up well past the ankle, to the calf, or in the case of a pair I was particularly fond of, all the way to the knee), and the issue always seemed to me to be part of the breaking in process because after wearing them for a month or more, and the leather got more flexible with wear, the problem seemed to dissipate and finally vanish altogether. However, memory of this period of discomfort is kind of why I haven't bought myself another pair, I decided the pain wasn't worth the gain.

News You Already Knew - High Heels are Bad For You! (Femme Talk Post)

raven says...

It might snipe... I'm sure even the low heels in men's shoes would encourage a similar type of displacement that would be painful over time... although I doubt it would be as extreme as those heels seldom excede half an inch or so. As for your hiking boots, it might be the heels... what kind are they? There are so many styles and brands of hiking boot these days I'm sure you could find some that fit and are comfortable, and part of it might indeed be due to your wide feet.

@Kuga, yes, agreed, sexy, extremely high stilettos are utterly delicious, but really only practical when you're not planning on actually walking around much on them

You see, I am actually a huge fan of shoes, because I think feet by themselves are kind of ugly, but put on a pair of well designed heels and damn! What a change! I am so impressed by their design in this respect... I would totally go all Imelda Marcos if I could afford to. I used to have all sorts of really high, really sexy shoes (particularly black boots), but then suddenly, as a result of larger health concerns a few years back, I could no longer wear most of them anymore! Its been terribly hard to cope with this sometimes (especially in shoe stores when I happen to have an extra bit of cash burning its way through my pockets)... but, seeing information like this, I guess I'm not really missing out... but its still sad, I had so many fun shoes!

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