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L.A Sift Up is On! (Sift Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

wtf? no texas sift up???? you don't want to smoke a joint with me and choggie and listen to our beautiful coon ass poetry and eat our delicious baked goods??? also, we give amazing hugs.
we might be abrasive on the internet, but it's totally a front to how soft and cuddly we are on the inside. >> ^dag:

What the hell! Where's your dedication? Where are you at MG? I may be swinging by Austin on my travels. >> ^MarineGunrock:
. Six hours (one way) is a long drive for drinks. Maybe next time!

TSA and the adult diaper story

We're ban happy on the Sift and it sucks (Blog Entry by blankfist)

peggedbea says...

jesus, are we still talking about this???

also, i think i just scrolled past something about my comment reading like favoritism. just to clarify, none of you are my favorites. if burdy banned you all tomorrow, i'd just go back to reading my little book about safe sex through the ages and farting on this stability ball.

Stewart F#*ks Himself With His Own Mouth

peggedbea says...

except that's not the narrative that will make it to fox viewers,

i watched mr. becks last show today, he spent like 15 minutes comparing his 21 minute monologues written by 2 people to stewarts 6 minute monologue written by 20 people or some nonsense.... >> ^rychan:

>> ^aaronfr:
Never realized that he was actually decent at impersonations. Probably because he is alwys so self-deprecating after he tries to pull them off.

Yeah, that was an impressive collection. And more importantly, it absolutely shuts down Fox News's point -- you can't possibly claim Stewart is singling out Cain. Stewart's impression might be offensive, but Stewart is an equal opportunity offender.

Dare we criticize Islam… (Religion Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

1. i don't care which religion you giggle at. or don't. whatever.

2. I only get irritated when religious people talk shit about mormons.

3. i dont get irritated when people without religious affiliations talk shit about mormons.

4. i'm just glad to see farhad in this thread.

5. don't fuck with the jains. they're beautiful. their thousands of years old tenets also resemble some kind of primitive metaphor for what would become quantum mechanics. i love them more than life itself.

Miss USA 2011 Interviews - Should Evolution Be Taught

TDS: Oh, For Fox Sake

peggedbea says...

to prove a fact during a political argument with my conservative mother, i googled the topic and pointed out the 7 webpages at the top of the list that confirmed my statement.... she told me google was a left wing conspiracy...

that's how brilliant they are. even the 1 most place everyone else goes to verify/fact check what they hear.. is going to tell what you heard from this right wing media outlet is less than true, but only because of its obvious liberal bias.

new york pride (Gay Talk Post)

Questioning the American prison system

peggedbea says...

so that dude looks like the dude who currently lives on my couch.

why does he live on my couch, you might ask?
because he was a non-violent cocaine user as a 20 year old and now, 7 years later, noone will let him lease an apartment or give him any of the decently paying tech jobs he is highly qualified for.

/fuck the penal system

We're ban happy on the Sift and it sucks (Blog Entry by blankfist)

peggedbea says...

bobknights a dick and all to be sure.

on one hand, i'm not big fan of banning. and think trolls are better left on ignore. getting banned from videosift doesn't make anyone less of a racist trolling dick wad.

on the other hand, that guys a dick and blatantly racist speech is technically prohibited by site rules.

so.. /me meh

this just makes me think about what chris hedges says about how we can only tolerate so much intolerance.

The effect of government on our quality of life (Blog Entry by blankfist)

peggedbea says...

there are other, non narcotic, ways to alleviate pain in the chronically ill. unfortunately, minarchists dont think health care is a right, the prescription drug industry doesn't want alternatives to dope accepted as legitimate practice, and i can't afford to work for free all day.

YOU learn something NEW every DAY ! (Talks Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

massages baby, massages. >> ^burdturgler:

>> ^peggedbea:
i learned the art and joy of bartering services with associates.
free medical care, free accounting, free oil changes, free pot, free babysitting, free coffee, free massages, free hair cuts ftw! now all i need is a good dentist!!

I can't get people to do the shit that I actually pay them to do. What services are you exchanging for all of this? The mind wobbles ..

YOU learn something NEW every DAY ! (Talks Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

i learned the art and joy of bartering services with associates.

free medical care, free accounting, free oil changes, free pot, free babysitting, free coffee, free massages, free hair cuts ftw! now all i need is a good dentist!!

Why Dara Ó Briain does not joke about muslims

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

peggedbea says...

like i said, the cop-hate isn't personal. and it's not even really about this particular event. i know some cops personally, i don't hate them at all.
it's a societal paradigm that makes these things possible.
sure, that dude's unstable and a jackass. he handled it totally wrong. but cop lights = punishment in the modern pysche. living in a punishment/coercion paradigm make us all a little sick in the head. do you NOT get a sick feeling in your stomache whenever you see a cop flash his lights at you?

edit: the "quote" function broke so... @MarineGunrock

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