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UNITED NATIONS attempts to criminalize blashpemous speech

SNL Digital Short -- Threw it on the Ground

Skateboard trick fail!!....wait..... WIN! WIN!

TRAIN versus COW - no blood / gore ( 13 seconds )

Bill Hicks - The Anti-Intellectualism of America

Everything is OKAY. - Defeating the Police State

paganif1 says...

I would marry me, then I'd take me on a honeymoon I'd never forget. Then i'd come home, settle back in to work, get lost in it, have an eventual affair my my secretary and divorce me. Deciding who gets the kids might be tough.

Typhoon Timelapse over Hong Kong (HD)

Paperboy in real life

Fox News' Nasty Obituary For Kurt Vonnegut

paganif1 says...

ahhhhhh, I love you Fox News. Just when i think my hatred for you is subsiding you manage to crap on Vonnegut. Too bad those bombers couldn't have picked a better location.

The ultimate Mentos commercial parody

Olberman: Worst Person in the World - Glen Beck

paganif1 says...

I loathe G Becks and Faux news as much as the next guy and rejoice in seeing him getting called out for the moronic things he says. However he has a rather large audience and every time he gets called out it gets bigger. I guess anymore it's to much to ask that reporting be on real news and facts, watching someone tell me about how someone else got the news wrong should not be what news is. Not putting down Olberman at all I just feel like he plays into Beck's hands each time he does this but at the same time Beck needs to shown for what he is. Fuck you Beck, now you got me flustered. Fuck.

Wolf Blitzer's Fascinating Interview With Craig Ferguson

Pink Floyd - "Pigs (Three Different Ones)"

Glenn Beck Kills a Frog

Danny Boyle Wants to do Trainspotting Sequel

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