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GOP volunteer gitting out the vote by Malinforming
its nice to run a party with no accountability whatsoever
ill informed? misinformed? prejudiced in any way; whether it be religious/racist/economic system (i shake my head at the moronic nature of socialism being a "bad" word)?
the Republican party is right for you
the Democrats are educated elitists!!!
any, and I mean ANY social/political/religious group DESERVES to be judged by it's least shining examples... there's a responsibility on any group of people that shares denomination with this type of stupidity and doesn't try to elevate their "lowest" members... whether it be in education/opportunity/etc
sad that this "culture" is created for the express purpose of those on top to prey on ignorance
sad that this is the "culture" of the "#1 nation in the world"
I'm telling you as someone who used to think highly of you USA, you used to be the hot chick... now you are fat, and think its a GOOD idea not to bath, and to constantly wear spandex because its more "comfortable"... you have the opportunity to regain your glory... but this isn't the way u do it
you've got back boobs, the rest of the world can see it, and you are oblivious
Kids Electrocute Dad
autoshop class
making go karts using old lawnmowers
checking sparkplug to see if its firing, my buddy is holding it in his hand, my other buddy yanks the chord to start lawnmower
he makes a "ungh" sound as his arms... both, the one holding the spark plug and the one not, go straight up in the air like a ref signalling a touchdown
i still laugh about it
then there was the time I electrocuted my physics teacher in grade 12 lol
air puck with string of beads down hose so based on frequency you could create data points on a piece of paper as the puck travelled in an arc (table was slightly elevated so there was a slope)... you engage the electricity by stepping on a pedal
he called me over to look at something, stepped fully on the pedal while he was holding the puck in his hand lol
i was oblivious, my buddy figured it out because he was looking at my teacher and had heard the zap, zap, zap, zap... the teacher was getting shocks but held onto the puck, trying to figure out what was going on... until finally he threw the puck... the beads in the tube came apart, funnelled out the tube and had to be rethread
by my buddy, not me lol
Obie, the 77-lbs Dachshund
was he a rescue or soemthing... how do you let your pet get like that?
Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!
class warfare
debt (which MOST Americans have to get into, to get by) is a slave's collar
the American Dream and Freedom are political propaganda that don't actually exist
if you get riled up about someone "attacking" Freedom or the American Dream... but don't get riled up about the living conditions/opportunities available to your fellow citizens... you've drank the Kool-Aid and have sold your own freedom for fanaticism
for all you religious Republicans... instead of worrying about handouts, instead of not even bothering to consider them handups.... read some scripture : Matthew 25:31-46
when considering that passage, and the religious nature of the party... where do you think the real priority lays? Christianity or Capitalism? which God do they pray to? The one up in heaven or the one on the dollar bill?
Random Girl Singing in a Grocery Store Wows Crowd
not random
Why I Buy Weird Games
video game hipsters... nothing to see here
i consume X, which other people don't predominantly consume, thus setting myself apart
how original
have never heard this exact same spiel in regards to things like:
movies (u mentioned it too)
etc etc
consumption != creation
the brand of X you buy != character or independent thought
you can like mainstream things and still not follow the crowd
this self-importance reeks of diahrea
Santorum we will never have smart people on our side
he should re-read.... or perhaps read for the first time... what the Constitution says about freedom of religion... and how religion relates to self-government
though there is a tendency on the right (which is predominantly FAR right) to skip over things like facts, act like the more you say something (no matter how false) the more true it becomes, and to resort to propaganda/brainwashing
its sad the pandering to the crazies is actually alienating conservatives and religious people who are actually capable of independent thought... and not one of these dark age politicians can see it
its time to grow up, and realize just because one side doesn't NECESSITATE the inclusion of invisible spaghetti monsters in the sky in their conversation about social issues... that the conversation doesn't exist
its quite similar to how the Republican party has stalled so many efforts in congress, and then says its a failure of the other side... its the other sides fault, because they didn't get concrete results, not because we said NO to each and every attempt, alot of times even before hearing what they had to say
children are smart enough to see through this tactic
the well being of people world wide would benefit from people like R. Santorum being swept up in a rapture... I'm not religious, but if I had to pray... it'd be for that
George Osborne Gets Booed at the Paralympics
the laugh, doesn't seem like embarrassment, it seems more condemning
Republicans are Pro-Choice!
>> ^ReverendTed:
As much as it pains me to say it, I agree with bobknight33 here.
I believe a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body. I also believe we should be responsible for the consequences of our choices. I believe a woman has the right to decide whether to have sex. (So, yes, I do believe in exceptions for cases of rape, incest, and threat-to-life.)
Seeing how quickly a fertilized egg develops into a fetus is striking (there can be a detectable heartbeat at 5 1/2 weeks), and that's where I get my opposition to elective abortion. I cannot accept that this is merely some part of "a woman's body" to be excised and discarded when it is so clearly a developing human.
I sincerely believe that we will one day look back on our tolerance for elective abortion with the same reprehension as we currently hold for slavery, ritual sacrifice or witch trials.
I know how difficult it is to have a rational discussion about abortion, but I find it hard not to say something. I try to keep an open mind and view issues from others' positions, but I can only really see this particular argument coming down to a discussion of when "life" begins; where does it go from being "termination of pregnancy" to "termination of a human life"? At conception? Birth? Or somewhere in between? Obviously, it's murder to kill a newborn, and it seems like there's a general consensus that it would be unethical to terminate a late pregnancy, but how far back does that reasoning go? And if we don't know when human life begins, it seems rational to err on the side of caution.
i err soo far on the side of caution, i convince pro-life women have sex with me by saying that if they don't, they are aborting the child i have conceived of having with them
its a human life they are ending if they don't
better to err on the side of caution
the real hypocrisy of the pro-life forces out there, is once the kids born, that kid is someone else's problem... yeah, we'll fight to make sure you are born, but if they parent's can't afford to raise you in the first place... or are unfit... well that's their fault... and we should in NO way be responsible for that (y'know, even though our movement forced them to have you in the first place)
better for you, the uncared for, under educated, malnurished child to suffer and us to feel righteous
not create this suffering (on both your parents and your behalf) and us to not feel so accomplished
support you!?! give you a hand up? that sounds like a hand out! stay outta my wallet you socialist!
prolife is supported by Christianity!!! abortion is attacking God! because desert dwelling sheep herders knew more about life, dna, the reproductive process than we do today!
of course, we'll ignore all the socialist themes in the Bible while saying this
we'll ignore things like charity for the poor and sick
we'll ignore things like throwing the money lenders out of the church
etc etc
compassion just doesn't feel genuine if $ makes it go away
55. Delete Facebook
and to echo some other comments
don't blame the tools
blame the operator
55. Delete Facebook
>> ^spoco2:

One minute in and I'm with P1ggy... Wow, LOL's shared to fulfill a missing part of your soul?
Fucking hell.
I'll never share the world view of people like this. Always looking for the negative in everything.
YES there are negatives to EVERYTHING
But you know what? There's also fucking awesome things in everything too.
Does he realize how many people use Facebook to organize real world events and meeting with REAL people to interact in a REAL sense?
Does he not get the irony of starting the video with promotion for his websites?
Does he talk with that depressing monotone all the time?
I'm all for interaction with real people, but I'm not for looking on the world through shit coloured glasses.
here here!
i think the OP must have a HATEON for hand written letters too then... or wait, maybe he romanticizes them
i only FB people I know in real life
FB is used almost like a bulletin board system, to organize events, keep in touch with people when I'd otherwise get absolutely no contact with them due to time constraints
and what about all the people i've met abroad, who i've formed friendships with that I would have little to no contact with without online social media
what about all the activism/political information i'd probably either not receive or at best receive in a non-timely fashion if not for social media (arab spring anyone?)
what about being able to see pictures or videos of relatives too sick, too old, or too newborn to travel conventionally... let alone being able to communicate with them
the OP falls into the cliche "everything was better the way it was as opposed to how it is or will potentially be"... shit colored sunglasses indeed
stop using it if you dont approve of the changes to your lifestyle social media makes
but it is IRONIC you are using social media to spread your message don't you think? wouldn't it be truer to your message to do door to door/face to face meet and greets?
and every opinion expressed in this video is hardly... HARDLY universal
let alone original
Russell Brand / Peter Hitchens Debate - Newsnight 2012
Peter Hitchens makes a good point about Brand not being able to deal in anything other than generalities though... good will, benevolence, etc are attitudes not plans/strategies... and aren't easily tied to a dollar figure... which is what the CRUX of the debate is about... some people place more value on $, some on compassion
Peter Hitchens tries to feign compassion by saying if drug addiction affects one family of course they care... well, compassion isn't compassion if you limit it only to yourself or those that directly affect you... REAL compassion isn't delimited by whether or not you know the person in question or not... REAL compassion is self-less
when the jingle in your pockets affects your "compassionate" view... you don't have a very compassionate view in the first place ( i guarantee some blockhead will try to take this to an extreme, such as "then why don't you give up all your money to help those less fortunate than you" instead of realizing that's not then end of the spectrum where my arguement comes from... it actually comes from reality where people don't wanna have to give up luxury [as opposed to necessity] to help someone that they can just as easily ignore or vilify)
and while the comment earlier about incarceration in the US is "somewhat" on the mark, lets not forget that the US prison system exists as it is primarily because its a private, for profit, industry... which shapes drug policy (gotta have your customer base - i mean inmates)
criminalization has always had an impotent effect on controlling drugs... from prohibition to THE WAR ON DRUGS (and the resulting chaos one finds in Mexico because of it)
there are PLENTY of countries that currently use legalization/rehabilitation as a much better deterrent/control; but we don't want to talk about those... because someone is making money of keeping them illegal, and where'd the poor politicians get their kickbacks from then?
Confused Fluffy Kitten is confused.. and fluffy!
what breed?
Red Dawn Movie Trailer (2012)
"for them this is just some place, for us, this is our home"
the irony of that statement in regards to US foreign policy is epic
Neil deGrasse Tyson says scientists are seduced by ignorance
the title will probably get some attract alot of creationist attention
the subject matter and what he's saying, probably will be lost on them