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"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

Parkour Unleashed. Yup, it's dog Parkour.

On Atheism (Blog Entry by dag)

oxdottir says...

By the way, I took some life-expectancy calculator online, and it didn't ask me about religion. It did ask me about stress-coping. After you take the test, it tells you what you should do to increase your expectancy. I am told I should take asprin, exercise more, and enjoy my friends.

On Atheism (Blog Entry by dag)

oxdottir says...

A little bit of poking around the web leads me to believe that 60 minutes study was biased. You know all about biased questions and interviewer expectation. You also know that in our society being totally without religion is very difficult, and rather rare.

Here is a currently respected study:

And it says specifically: Not all centenarians are alike. They vary widely in years of education (no years to post-graduate), socioeconomic status (very poor to very rich), religion, ethnicity and patterns of diet (strictly vegetarian to extremely rich in saturated fats). However, the centenarians we have studied do have a number of characteristics in common:

Then they go on to list the things they had in common, and having faith was not listed. Handling stress well is. In my opinion, faith is one way to deal with stress, and as long as you expand what you have faith in, it includes people whose faith is something like "modern psychiatry" and "bio-feedback" and "yoga" and such.

To pick something that women in the study of people over 100 had very often: they often had children past the age of 40. I'm not sure there are any metaphysical things to conclude from that.

Studies of human populations are very difficult to deal with scientifically.

That's my opinion.

Paper airplane demonstration of thrust and drag

Six Feet Under - What a little moonlight can do!

'Accidental' Download Sending Guy To Prison

oxdottir says...

Yes, not to be too much of a cynic, but this reminds me of "he said, she said"s I've known of where one very reasonable-sounding party has calmly announced that they "were only" and then downgraded what they did so severely that anyone who knew about the facts was horrified.

Maybe this guy was victimized. Maybe this guy is doing what most real criminals and abusers do: playing down or denying his crime.

Many sifters are extremists when talking about religion (Religion Talk Post)

oxdottir says...

Actually, there are quite a few popular themes for videos on the sift that I dislike: the single target video, the video where the joke is that someone got really hurt, the fart video--there are tons more. Do you know what I do about that? I don't vote for them, and as much as I can tell ahead of time, I don't watch them. (To be fair, many of the videos I consider not just watchable, but profoundly meaningful, garner few votes.)

If you don't like the videos that clearly many sifters do, don't watch them. Personally, the religion videos are some of those on VS I have enjoyed the most. I was raised a fundamentalist christian (and I am talking a really severe sect) and I am now as close to an athiest as, say, Christopher Hitchens (though non-evangelical). I really enjoy having the atheist view supported. I really enjoy learning of even small victories to fight back religion, which I find to be the greatest force for evil in the world.

Opinions vary. That's why we vote.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

oxdottir says...

I think those holiday cards he has at zazzle would make fabulous Ts. I had a facebook friend ask for pointers to christmas sweatsirts just yesterday (I don't even know if tvirus makes sweatshirts).

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Ah, good question. I wasn't even considering the idea. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask.

In reply to this comment by oxdottir:
Look at this one:

I guess he already has products so he wouldn't want to be in tee virus?

lucky760 (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Are you satisfied with your job/career? (User Poll by rottenseed)

oxdottir says...

I'm very lucky. I love my field, I believe in my work, and I have a chance to make a difference in the world. This doesn't mean that I don't spend a fair amount of time frustrated, or even depressed about prevailing situations, but I also get excited and optimistic about the future or even small items that constitute progress. January 1 I will have had my job for 20 years.

Postsecret: 50 people asked, What is your secret?

oxdottir says...

>> ^nomino:
That couple around the 4 minute mark is so fucking in love. Just look at the way they look at each other... it's beautiful. I've had someone look at me like that once. It's the best feeling in the world.

Yeah, I love the split seconds they show of their reactions to each others' secrets. Especially his to her secret.

Shepppard (Member Profile)

oxdottir says...

Thank you very much for your comment and your quality-ing of the video. I tried to think of a secret I could post after yours, but anything I thought of seemed cheap compared to yours. You are a strong person to keep such a secret for so long.

My Mom's On Facebook

oxdottir says...

I'm a mom, and I'm on facebook. I'm happy my son recently replaced his profile pic for one where he isn't smoking. I suspect he is much more deterred by *MY* mom being on his friends list than my being on it.

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