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police officer body slams teen in cuffs

oohlalasassoon says...

So, let's presume your statement that this happens everyday is true. In fact, let's double it, and say for every incident you hear about, there's another that goes unnoticed, and is worse. You're saying the egregious actions of 2 officers per day, is indicative of the type of day MOST cops lead on a daily basis, i.e. : the norm?

Speaking of things we never see... If, for every bad cop video posted I somehow unearthed and posted a video of a wholly unremarkable cop somewhere, clocking in, doing his thing , going against his nature and doing something that could be construed as benign, even good- would it change your opinion of cops?

I'm not the apologist you think I am by the way. I even agree with some of what you say. But I try not to blame the many for the actions of the few. Pretend that rather than cops we're talking about any race of your choosing and decide if I should change my ways.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Are you Egyptian? cause.. you're definitely in denial..

This behavior isn't the norm?
Then why does it take place literally everyday?

Like you and every other police sympathizer likes to point out..

"The incidents that make the news are just a small fraction of what ACTUALLY takes place!"


So considering there are multiple instances of police brutality 24/7/365..

..think about all the police violence that WE NEVER SEE.

Then think about all the "less severe" police misconduct: unlawful stops, unlawful seizure, evidence tempering, falsifying reports, etc.

Even if excessive force & brutality is just a fraction of the pie.. the entire pie is still corrupt.

How do we know this?
Because whistle-blowers are always stigmatized, demoted or fired..

While murders routinely get off with little or no punishment.

Clearly, the romanticized ideal of police "protecting & serving" is a fairytale.
And those idealist police officers are the true minority.

"Police Brutality isn't the norm! America is a post-racial society!"

Psh, gimme a break.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

oohlalasassoon says...

Oh I'd hate to be a cop nowadays. I mean the ones that aren't drawn to the profession to provide a outlet for their psychopathic tendencies, the ones that really do believe the "to protect and serve" mantra. They really do actually exist, contrary to growing popular opinion.

I guess my frustration on this topic is really no different than with news in general. It's not an accurate representation of the norm. It's news _because_ it's out of the norm. News is not reality TV.

YES we should be outraged when cops do this, they should be stripped of their job and punished accordingly, the culture and practices of the force they serve should be scrutinized and corrected if found to be supportive of or responsible for their criminal behavior. If there's a culture on the force where whistle blowers don't feel comfortable reporting abuses, the force needs to FIX that. I feel apparent overall opinion against cops in general is unfair, but it is the case. If they are ever to dig themselves out of the abyss of negative opinion they will have to take on more responsibility for the problem than may be deserved.

Asmo said:

A big part of it is the thin blue line bullcrap where cops will stand around watching this shit going down and not report it. Yes, it's probably a minority of bad apples, but then there are the silent witnesses who don't speak out, or the bastards that take revenge on the whistleblowers.

If the law, and the people that enforce it, is to have any meaning, it must be even handed. That is such a joke these days that anyone seriously believing it would be ridiculed as hopelessly naive. If the status quo = everyone understands that there are two sets of rules and the people that should be held to a higher level of responsibility are often given a pass, then the system is broken, and even the good cops are holding up a corrupt institution.

What I can't figure is how the good cops keep going to work, trying to serve the public etc when they see this shit. Talk about morale destroying.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

oohlalasassoon says...

I won't defend this particular cop's actions but damn there's a serious bias against cops on this site, and in the media generally. It's approaching zeitgeist levels. Guys, they're not all fucking power-tripping stormtroopers. News isn't news unless it's bad. Yes, speak out against things like this , but get a grip.

Cat Ass Bling

oohlalasassoon says...

Maybe it never happened but I'm going to pretend that a patent examiner actually reviewed and approved a technical and dryly-worded explanation of this product.

Silver Vs Chocolate

oohlalasassoon says...

I could almost see this as legit because:

1. Even if these people are total oddballs that naturally trust random street weirdos giving things away, the choice that is offered would have to make even the most trusting among them a tad skeptical. Because it's got to be a trick, right? I'd be like, yeah, sure pal, that's a bar of silver - but uh...give me the chocolate. Because:

2. I know exactly what a Hershey bar looks like. I don't need to trust his claim that it's a real bar of chocolate. Whereas:

3. Most people don't know exactly what an authentic silver bar looks like. I sure don't. At least not down to the exact size, shape, and markings. So they'd be trusting some nut's claim that it really is a silver bar.

Still though, it STILL seems unlikely, because, personally speaking, I'd much rather have even a FAKE bar of silver than a bar of chocolate I could get at any convenience store.

Silver Vs Chocolate

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Steam controller looking polished

oohlalasassoon says...

I'm definitely one of those geezer noobs when it comes to mobile typing. I just use voice-to-text, which is pretty accurate nowadays. I wonder if they considered putting a mic in the controller and going that route. Too $$$ probably.

poolcleaner said:

The mind link was never more present after the smartphone came out. I watch mobile noobs taking several minutes to type what I can in seconds.

SC2 pro gamers clock in at over 400 APM, with records over 800. 300 APM is about where you want to be before you even consider yourself a competitive player!

But we're not sure yet, right? That doesn't mean it isn't possible, but you will def need to practice, just like the pros.

I really like the concept of using 2 directional pads to make keystrokes. If you can play a bullet hell game, why is that type of movement not considered probable?

Steam controller looking polished

oohlalasassoon says...

Agreed on the typing thing but maybe there's a mind link we're not aware of. Seriously though, at least it's not overly expensive. 50 bucks isn't outrageous, so long as it performs at least at the level of an xbox360 controller, which seem to go for at least 35 bucks for wireless versions.

zaust said:

Love the concept - don'tt believe the simplicity. The bit where he types is just insane - like he is using both analog inputs at once to aim separately.

Plus maybe it's the lighting but the "thumbnail" hands look so photo shopped it's unreal (or should I say source).

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