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1980's Commercial - Scientology Ad

Thundarr the Barbarian -- Secret of the Black Pearl e1/1

Man With Two Mouths

omnithrope says...

Not fake. Chang Tzu Ping of China was born with a second face, consisting of a mouth with a rudimentary tongue and several teeth, a bristly patch of scalp, and vestiges of eyes, nose, and ears. The throat of the second mouth was imperforate and the lips could not move independently, but when Chang opened his mouth, the second mouth opened too. In his small village he was called 'Two-Faced Chang' and feared by local children, who thought him to be a monster. However, when he was around 40 years old, some American soldiers in China discovered him and brought him back to the United States. He had the second face removed surgically and returned to live the remainder of his life in his native village.

Thom Yorke & Bjork on Space Ghost ~ Knifin' Around



King Crimson - Larks Tongues In Aspic Pt. 1 1973

Chernobyl Disaster -- First Aerial Footage


Chernobyl Disaster -- First Aerial Footage

Might as well be the best commercial I've ever seen

Might as well be the best commercial I've ever seen

Greenpeace Media-Jamming Kleenex

John Cage performs Water Walk on What's My Line?

Mogwai - Stanley Kubrick

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