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Theremite vs. Liquid Nitrogen (among other things)

nazdorovia says...

I've never seen Brainiac, but it's a shame to hear they've faked their stuff. However I've been doing some research on thermite (how I found this clip, actually), and it burns at around 2500+ degrees, which is enough to melt through a car engine, concrete, asphalt, or just about anything you set it on. So if they're not doing the Irreversible Thermite Reaction for real...they may as well be.

PS, it's my first top 15 video! Thanks everybody!

Hannity "interviews" bigger prick than himself

nazdorovia says...

Christ, what a scumbag. I almost felt bad upvoting, you know? Like, it's a good video, but at the same time it's not *good.* There should"watch this video, but the content is actually evil" or "The Fox News Effect"

(/totally overthinking it)

Garofalo to O'Reilly: "Kiss my Fat Ass" Real Time 9/21/07

Garofalo to O'Reilly: "Kiss my Fat Ass" Real Time 9/21/07

nazdorovia says...

Yeah, I meant it in the way legacy interpreted it. It just rubs me the wrong way to see people so set in their ways that they can't recognize the validity of an opinion different than theirs.

Politically, I agree with Garofalo but her personality isn't my cup of tea.

Explosion Pisses Off Wasps

nazdorovia says...

Bees are ok. Only the cute ones though. Like, I realize that a bumblebee can still sting, but there's just something about it that's a little less threatening. And definitely not the one in the Nasonex commercial. The Antonio Banderas bee. That bee's not threatening, but he is annoying.

Explosion Pisses Off Wasps

nazdorovia says...

I. Fucking. Hate. Wasps.

They're gathering outside my house right now, forming this creepy buzzing 15 wasp orgy that's going to become a nest that I'm going to have to spray. I can see them from where I'm typing.

I don't really have a problem with spiders or ants or anything (although I did read an article about how roaches can get trapped in your ear and I slept with a pillow over my head for awhile) but wasps...wasps fly, man. They *already* have an advantage over me. That's freaky.

Garofalo to O'Reilly: "Kiss my Fat Ass" Real Time 9/21/07

Johnny Winter - Mean Town Blues @ Woodstock.

Prius, gangster-car of choice

STOMP - The Kitchen -This rocks

Feynman and Nanotechnology

nazdorovia says...

Anyone else think it was cool that Feynman was credited as a drummer?

In the video, the narrator mentions There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom, the talk in which Feynman asks "Why cannot we write the entire 24 volumes of the Encyclopedia Brittanica on the head of a pin?" You can find the transcript of that talk here:

In addition, there's some extra information and a long list of recommended books, cds, video clips, etc. here:

Some articles about practical applications of nanotechnology:

I *really* like this idea.

You're like a big fuckin' bear, man.

The Daily Show: "Theater of War"

Richard Dawkins interview on "The Enemies of Reason"

Jerry Lewis Says Something He'll Probably Regret

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