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Don't Rear End Minivan Drivers in Dallas, TX

Disabled Player Put in the Game for a Moment to Shine

This Sums Up Motherhood In 34 Seconds

mram says...

Dark humor is awesome.

Children are evil. Evil. EVIL.

I have two and regularly torture them. I also love them. They appear to love me back. All is right in the universe.

Carry on with the bickering. It's funny.

Overwatch Animated Short | "The Last Bastion"

Quake Champions Quakecon 2016 Gameplay

mram says...

Totally agree. Overwatch is doing really horribly without all of that!


Not to make this into a Blizzard vs id thing here, but honestly, it really is all about the packaging. You don't need all of what you're saying, you just need a fun game that works well. I think Quake Champions is trying to reclaim some of its FPS glory in this regard. Hopefully it's fun...

Mordhaus said:

I mean, this is 2016. Shipping a multiplayer game without anti-cheat, the ability to host servers, no server browser, no way to pre-check latency until you are in the match, and fairly shoddy network code is ludicrous.

How Peter Braxton defeated a patent troll and still lost

I am being sued for using the Google Play Store.

mram says...

Seriously, why doesn't Google help?

I would have directed the video to all app developers on Google, telling them that they are next to be sued, and to stop using the Google Play store as a result, since they all, apparently, are violating the patent. And that's a reason and vested interest in Google to assist.

A Prank Time

mram says...

I don't think I've been genuinely amazed and transfixed with animation since the first time I saw Akira. Bravo!

Unfortunately, side effect: cannot show my (young) kids. I like for them to sleep well.

We're Going to Europa!

Daily Show: Australian Gun Control = Zero Mass Shootings

mram says...

I'm sorry, but if you're going to compare an entire country's uniform gun control laws to minor areas which you can clearly drive in any direction for a short time and circumvent gun laws for that region, then that isn't room for comparison.

If Mass, DC, and Vermont had border control and firearms restrictions like most ports of call and airports, then you'd have something to compare.

Until then I find specific regional statistics in the US laughable at best. If you want something, nearly anything, you can drive to get it, regardless if your home district disallows it. This is not an option in Australia, and not a comparison for valid argument.

Jerykk said:

Massachusetts passed...
D.C. has...
Vermont has....

Daily Show: Australian Gun Control = Zero Mass Shootings

mram says...

It doesn't have to be cut and dry, black and white.

The argument has largely been morphed by the pro-gun advocates that "Gun control won't stop gun violence".

The flat truth of it is that gun control helps curb gun-related violence. It's not about eliminating it. It's about making reasonable efforts that yield measurable results. The counterargument should NOT be that it's not enough, that's just silly... and downright insulting to the victims.

Motorcycles in the future will not tip over. Lit Motors

mram says...

I immediately thought of this...

lucky760 said:

Oh come now. If a car collided with it as in that animation, tipping over wouldn't be the issue; it'd be flipping over.

I hope it comes with its own jaws of life. That thing won't survive a real wreck. At least on a non-enclosed motorcycle you could be thrown clear.

It has all of the danger of an automobile coupled with all of the danger of a motorcycle minus any of the safety aspects of both.

Neil deGrasse Tyson schooling ignorant climate fools

Ellen Page Interview on The Colbert Report

mram says...

Your word of the day: Malapropism. I know Colbert is a comedian to the core, but to be able to just throw that out mid interview is amazing.

Disney's Maleficent - "Dream" Trailer

mram says...

Everything is derivative.

Having said that, I am genuinely surprised at how well Jolie looks in this role. The last preview seemed to be dark and sinister but this just escalated her playful evilness 10x.

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