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Starwars, solo.

mikeydamonster says...

g'damn, people are idiots. OMG, I think she is playing along to prerecorded percussion, but this is in no way fake. She's playing the entire melody section, including that deep bass sound with her left foot.

14 yr old girl Tasered in the Head by Police Chief

mikeydamonster says...

I really like how people keep saying she was resisting arrest when I didn't hear once on the video that was being placed under arrest. The only thing they say about assault is that "police allege" she "physically abused" her mom in an argument they were having. Was she being charged with any crime, or was this cop just fed up with some annoying little girl's hissy fit? I think it's hard to dispute that some officers reach for a taser way before they have expelled sufficient physical effort, unarmed, to detain someone. If this, or even death, can be the outcome, then they damn well better exhaust all the options below that level of escalation before actually pulling the shock trigger.

And Skeeve, plz link the dashcam video.

Bill Maher - on Gays and Religion

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