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Government of Canada now just One Man (in name at least)

lullaby_lune says...

Re: comment by ^BoneRemake

While I definitely don't agree with Harper's politics... was that comment really necessary?
You've just turned a perfectly Safe For Work video into a very NSFW comment zone.

Government of Canada now just One Man (in name at least)

lullaby_lune says...

Woa. What??? He requested that on purpose?!

When I saw the title, I thought this was going to be a snide jab at the overly controlling nature of the "Harper Government," not an actual official decision.

Feds eyeing online forums to correct 'misinformation'

lullaby_lune says...

On the one hand, I'm glad they're recognizing that online social media actually makes a difference and approaching it with the intent to OPEN A DIALOGUE. Responding to "misinformation" is not the same thing as outright censorship through taking comments down, etc..

On the other hand... I wonder how much (or how little) it would take for this sort of "monitoring" to turn into censorship.

Tap Dancing : The Manly Way to Dance

notarobot (Member Profile)

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notarobot (Member Profile)

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