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Black Woman Convicted Despite "Stand Your Ground" Law

longde says...

The point is that under that insane stand your ground law, she should be set free. This law is not being applied equally.

She shot at children? George Zimmerman shot at and killed a minor.
>> ^bobknight33:

Maybe she is in jail for shooting at the children.
Where is Al Sharpton and the media?

African Men. Hollywood Stereotypes.

Girl swallowed by pavement in China

longde says...

damn, you are cynical!!! It's sad that some of the bad infrastructure in china make this story perfectly plausible.

I think this attitude has to do with the ease of liability being assigned to the helper. In this case, there is no way any reasonable person would think the cab driver was responsible for the girl's injury. As opposed to a driver stopping for an injured pedestrian.>> ^bareboards2:

Here's another topic missed by this video --
Remember when that little girl got ran over by a truck and everyone walked by? The only person who went to help was a very poor woman?
Apparently there is a culture in China of NOT helping others. What I read at the time was if you help someone, then you become responsible for them. Which is why only the very poor woman went to help -- she had nothing to lose.
The Chinese government has been attempting to change that culture, in part by changing laws (I think. Didn't I read that somewhere?)
Here is how calloused I have become -- I thought for a moment (and I still sort of do) that this was a set up by the Government. A visual campaign to educate the public. They made the guy a hero, showed how the government has the services to help. The hole in the pavement was too weird, as noted here, people crowded around the hole with zero concern that more would give way. They didn't interview the girl at all, didn't show her face.
It's not a bad thing, to attempt to create a Good Samaritan culture in the face of thousands of years without one. I am just cynical about the feel-goodness of this clip.
Calloused. I am calloused.

Black Woman Convicted Despite "Stand Your Ground" Law

longde says...

State and local prosecutors filter jury pools of blacks all the time, with the purpose to stack the deck against black defendants. Such juries are more likely to convict and pass down relatively harsh sentences for black defendants.

In fact, this practice has been going on for so long, is so egregious and is so oft used, that a university study proved it statistically significantly in North Carolina. Also, legislation in two states has been passed allowed black inmates to appeal sentences to correct this practice.

Here is the latest case to fall under such a law.

So, really @chilaxe, the burden of proof is on you to prove that the jury wasn't stacked with non-blacks, especially in a southern state like Florida, where this practice is known to be done.

A Riddle (Blog Entry by dystopianfuturetoday)

longde says...

The riddle involved two skills, IMO (without googling, so correct me if wrong):

1) addition (which I would guess a 4 year old could do)
2) recognition of sets and set mapping (which I am not entirely sure a 4 year old would think to do)

Old guy's laugh totally upstages comedian (@1:15)

The Frugal Gangsta'

Suicide Bomber Indoctrination Cartoon

Bears get food by acting like humans

Coke Badger scenes- Its all gone Pete Tong (movie)

People Of Walmart (Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO)

People Of Walmart (Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO)

TYT: Prom Spending Out Of Control

longde says...

I guess if you're going to peak at the prom, may as well spend a mint.

However, more than 10% of take home pay is pretty high. They must be charging this on credit.

A Riddle (Blog Entry by dystopianfuturetoday)

Policewoman Kills Hostage Taker Solo

longde says...

Exactly. Like I said above, I think it's an amazing video, and I thought for a while about sifting it myself. But, the raw killing gave me pause.>> ^messenger:

Gotcha, so whether this is officially considered snuff or not, you'd still downvote? I'm 100% cool with that. Thanks for clearing it up.>> ^longde:
All due respect, messenger, downvoting is our way to say we don't want videos of people being killed on the sift. That said, whether or not this meets the sift guidelines on snuff videos is a good topic of discussion.
>> ^messenger:
Downvoting isn't the way to determine whether it's considered snuff to the Sift. discuss -ion is.
To me it's not snuff because if the hostage taker had lived, I would still have sifted it. In fact, I would rather he had lived. To me, this is all about the cahones on the policewoman.

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