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Horizon: The Six Billion Dollar Experiment (documentary)

krumzy says...

Great post, its funny how they felt the need to add all the editing to make it appeal to the 20 second attention span, they could have focused more on the theory instead but i guess they would have lost the audience. Instead of focusing on what these giant particle accelerators can do for scientific theory they put alot of focus on the destruction of the earth via black hole scenario. But hey, if we manage to suck all matter on earth into an infinitely small space i say that's a testament to human ingenuity

Kirk Cameron on the O'Reilly Factor

krumzy says...

I cant stand the complexity of the eye explanation. Throwing all science out the window and stooping to the 'logic' that these people use, if there was a 'designer' then there would be one right solution to the whole vision problem; one eye that every creature would use to navigate around its surroundings. But thats not the case in nature, echolocation vs. night vision or even the differences in the eye of a cat vs the human eye throws a wrench in the works.

Every time the ignorant invoke god's name as the final answer it reminds me or this ( ) simpsons episode.

Slavoj Zizek: The Pervert's Guide to Cinema

Incredible 3D Printer

krumzy says...

I get to use these at school sometimes, not the powder sintering machines but the cheaper FDM ones, it only really works for prototyping, these are way more expensive to make when compared to injection molded parts. Never seen colour ones before, i guess they add some dye to the binder.

James Randi explains Homeopathy

krumzy says...

Just because there was some coincidence that some of this nonsense appeared to work please don't turn your back on modern medicine and trust your life to what is just super dilute toxic material. Just a few points from the wiki if I may:

'Homeopathic formulas are based on the theory that even when a remedy is diluted with water to the point where no starting material remains, the water will retain a "memory" of what it was once in contact with.'

'Homeopathy views a sick person as having a dynamic disturbance in a hypothetical "vital force", a disturbance which, homeopaths claim, underlies standard medical diagnoses of named diseases.'

This stuff cant do any harm but I cant stand it when I see charlatans taking advantage of the poor saps that will fall for it. What can hurt you is if you rely on this crap instead of going to a medical professional when you get a serious disease. You would have to be pretty stupid if your doctor told you you had high blood pressure and were at risk of a heart attack and you just took some pill with no medical ingredients, placebos cant prevent death.

CocoRosie - Jesus loves me

Rodrigo Y Gabriela perform "Tamacun" on The Late Late Show

Rodrigo Y Gabriela Live at Scala

"All We Gotta Do Is....." Hugh Laurie Sings

Horizon: Battle Of The Brains (intelligence theory & tests)

Colony Collapse Disorder - Why are the bees disapearing?

Prove Rational Atheism, Collect $1000

feeding 100 dogs at once.

Colony Collapse Disorder - Why are the bees disapearing?

krumzy says...

I read up about it after they talked about it on NPR. They said environmental related stresses , pesticides or genetically modified foods were the main suspects at this point but from what I have found about the cellphone signal research it seems that could be a problem too, it certainly fits the time frame.
It strikes me as a serious problem. There likely wont be any food shortages because as far as I know bees are only used to pollinate certain crops; but it should definitely have some economic impact, hopefully enough for people to put politics aside and take it seriously.

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