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Louis CK 2015-so i called the batman

Stephen Colbert Gazes Into The InfiNet

Your stupidity is now legendary

kceaton1 jokingly says...

At the end of the video, they asked us to report information on the crime if we have it...

But, what crime do they want us to report? Those two guys that stole the safe or the producer, director, and writer(s) of this video asking for help in a way that would make me want to call and pay them to take it off the air so that I never have to view it again...?

CNNs Reporting Of The Oregon Mass Shooting

Selfie from hell

kceaton1 says...

And, as @Payback also mentioned, never, ever, use the record option when taking a selfie.

That's what a Go-Pro is for. Then we can watch you die get some scratches and a few bruises in glorious high definition!

sanderbos said:

Fantastic work, what a great build up of fear in 1 minute 41 seconds.

(and I think the moral of the story is: always have a spotter when you are taking selfies)

WTF. I have no words.

kceaton1 jokingly says...

If this can make money, then I hate to say it... But all of us can take the dumbest idea we have in our head so long as it is the most original and semi-"have you gone insane" type of idea you have. Then build upon it. Then, we all make money.

In other words: 1. Crazy idea! 2. ??? 3. Profit!

Sherlock: The Abominable Bride

The Wendelstein 7-X fusion reactor is insane

kceaton1 says...

As others have mentioned there are indeed still major issues to solve. But, they are slowly crawling to the answer (for some reason the US has just a "little bit" of interest in this--though if they go ahead and name their scientists as the sole awesomeness that thought how to make this a reality one day... I will truly hate my government for sure...

Hopefully, this reactor can give us some good data (and also hopefully was built with new processes across the board; again giving the scientists more data) on what's working better and what's failing either worse or @the same rate... There are about three main issues that need to be solved before we can call it "somewhat quits" (but, even after that, this would be a machine that needs a careful eye and constant monitoring).

I'm looking forward to the International Committee's Fusion Reactor in 2019~, called: ITER. It'll kind of be the "LHC" of the fusion world... They probably will figure out the issue with radiation destroying/eating away the guards/shields on the insides for the plasma.

These things are definitely awesome to see...

Just what you don't want to see on takeoff

kceaton1 says...

As @Ickster mentioned, why do I totally get the idea that the person filming this either didn't report it because they didn't know it meant dangerous possibilities ahead.

Or, is he/she one of those people that actually don't know what they've filmed until they view it later (like all of my aunts, my Mom, etc...).

Best Football Catch Ever - UCLA vs Stanford . 10/15/15

Hurt ~ Danse Russe

Pavlov's Cheering Crowd!

Peter Griffen's Porn Storage


kceaton1 says...

Last run and *promote from me to get this added fully to the sift! If you like Minecraft, make sure you give this video a once over; if we end up lucky and this developer truly delivers on what they've promised (maybe with some unnamed goodies), then a great game may be coming out fairly soon.

Hurt ~ Danse Russe

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