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Women Police in Iran

Microsoft PhotoSynth

joshd says...

ThwartedEfforts: Yeah, I think you've got the major problem sussed there. Although I think with the whole social/networking craze, and with sites like Flickr and Google Maps, now is a good time to launch a product like this.

9/11 Pentagon Crash. Dear tin-foil hat crowd, please shut up

joshd says...

"check out this video on google video,its called "loose change" it explans everything and disproves all of the "official" explanations leaving you with no other choice then to see the truth,once you've watched this video,...written by LogisticTtian"

Yes, I've seen that video, and you have unwittingly revealed it's flaws. You assume that it "disproves all of the "official" explanations leaving you with no other choice". I'm sorry, but disproving one theory doesn't ever mean that an alternative theory is more valid. The documentary in question doesn't even discredit the official version of events very well; small inconsistencies don't mean the whole theory is invalid.

Look at it this way: Theory one (the government's version) makes sense for 99% of the facts. Theory two makes very little sense (let's just say 10%). Conspiracy theorists look at that and say "Ah ha! theory one isn't perfect, obviously theory 2 is correct!". You are completely throwing logic out the window when you do that. For ever hole you pick in the official version of events I could pick 100 in your alternative theory.

I happen to think that the US government is highly incompetent, and has caused the unecessary deaths of thousands of people over the last half-decade. So I'm not just believeing whatever junk they throw out there. I just happen to think for myself. One thing that always amazes me is that people don't ever realise that propaganda happens on both sides. They scoff at their opponents for "beliving the lies" while they continue to lap up everything that their own side has to say.

How to Avoid Being Arrested By the Police (seriously though, not the Chris Rock skit)

Rape Shield (Reno 911)

Harley rider fails to take a corner, disappears into scenery

What International Law? Red Cross Ambulance attacked by IDF in Tyre

joshd says...

"Post a vid about Hezbollah firing rockets at civilian population centers, then we'll talk about international law ... By the way, would it shock you to learn that Hezbollah also uses ambulances to transport personnel and weapons, or that they set up road blocks in neighborhood to prevent the citizens from leaving areas that are targeted? ... by Wumpus"

I don't think that anyone here is supporting the actions of Hezbollah, but no matter what happens Israel is still accountable for their actions. Either they are firing at civilian vehicles or they are conducting strikes that are far too indiscriminate. Either way it's bad news for the people left in the villages being attacked.

Israel are fighting an enemy that has embedded itself amongst inncocent civilians. They should learn from the mistakes that others have made when facing this kind of conflict.

Israel can't expect to bomb a whole country back to the stone age and keep the support of the international community.

US Soldiers Destroy Man's Taxi because they can

joshd says...

Wow, that's really sad. How exactly is acting as policeman and judge to crushing someone's car (and livelyhood) going to help spread democracy? I suppose this is what happens when you send in people trained fight traditional wars to occupy a country full of people with a culture that is completely foreign. They just don't have the training and skills to handle this kind of situation. Tomorrow the soldiers will have forgotten the encounter, but they've just made the lives of those Iraqis so much worse than it already was. How could you even try to convince the population that this "liberation" is better than what they had before? Of course the Iraqis will be distrustful and vengeful towards the American forces. It's no wonder soldiers are being bombed.

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