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U.S. Seeks to Prosecute Pulitzer Prize AP Photographer


Nickelback's "Far Away"

Save America from evil men. Ron Paul may be the answer.

johnald128 says...

if you don't use the internet much and you live in america you're going to be exposed to all the corporate whore candidates. non-americans get a better perspective of it in my opinion. although i don't agree with absolutely everythinng ron paul says - he's 'easily' the best candidate. americans owe it to the world to get him in the white house.
(70% of the world's countries are occupied by american troops!?!)

when hillary and the audience laugh in this clip i think it's possibly the single most disgusting thing i've ever seen.

Ben Stein on O'Reilly Factor about Intelligent Design

Ron Paul's Next Money Bomb: Tea Party 07

Bill Hicks - JFK

johnald128 says...

in reply to UmberGryphon :

you have absolutely no authority to know that a cover-up would take thousands of people, that's just dumb. so when the russian government poisons people that know and say too much, you think thousands of people are in on that too? er, no... go back to sleep.
bill was just trying to wake people up, he did a good job for just one guy.

Fox and Friends call for havoc in Iran

Super spiderweb

Why Is The Mainstream Media Scared Of This Man

johnald128 says...

yeah you're right, the last line sums it up : "YOUR LIES WILL NOT WORK ANYMORE... YOU CAN NOT STOP US... WE WILL WIN."

i'd just like to say a big thankyou to Videosift for not censoring the Ron Paul movement. The runners of other sites usually have their own agendas and don't allow the diversity of opinions through (neatorama for one!). i disagree with a lot of commenters here but hell i'm just glad we're not all sheeple drones. i don't see positive fan-made vids about other candidates, why is this, is it because the rest are all full of shit?

"Our Power, Our Responsibility" : (Ron Paul)

Finally: proof that there's an Alien invasion base on Moon!

Point out Zaire

Protests in Russia, Garry Kasparov

johnald128 says...

drpawns totally right. i think people can see slight improvements of certain aspects to quality of life and attribute that to a government's total police state control. some things are naturally improving over time for individuals everywhere, but that doesn't stop it being a bad idea to increasingly restrict peoples freedoms.

Leno inhales gas with some science guy

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