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Dogs can't do this

Inventor Solves the Air Pollution Crisis

jmd says...

I pretty much saw everything coming, but in pieces. First was I sensed the differences in production quality (and profanity) that the interview was not actually part of the news show. Then when I saw what he had in his hand I was like "This can't be a serious invention so its part of the joke?" . Funny enough I lurk 4chan enough that I know a hitler mustache when I see it. I enjoyed the rolling joke but I am confused on if there was intended to be a message, as calling people who care about air quality nazis is well... not..funny?

"Number 13" Sci-Fi Short Film - DUST Exclusive Premiere

jmd says... Why is it so hard to write a good script? A story board? A director who has seen a movie or two? Lets CinimaSins this bitch;

1. opening shot is two shots at very wrong focal lengths, or that hole is actually very small.

2. One would think pre rendered special effects would not have issues with limited fill rates, but this comet clearly looks like its using a smoke trail from a video game on minimum graphic settings. You can count the number of particles on one hand.

3. For a desert nomad in a sand storm, she has an amazingly clean face, also, hoods that pull forward?

4. nomad is pointing at the clear as day impact landing of meteor as if it NEEDED to be pointed out.

5. a fairly large amount of simulated camera shake despite flames being so thin they don't smoke.

6. A horribly done transition shot where the boy is surrounded by smoke, fire, and lava, all except in the direction the camera is pointing.

7. Large tank army that no one notices until it passes them.

8. Physics, or lack of. the entire scene. Those 2 bypeds look like they were motioned captured by a two year old playing with his toys.

9. The expression on the boys face of surprise makes no sense for a robot of some sort who has crashed to the surface of a planet of which he had full intention of kicking ass in. The scowl afterwards makes it even more awkward.

10. what then proceeds is what can best be described as live gameplay from a random indie game from the steam store that utilizes a mostly black color pallet to hide the fact that nothing is texture mapped, low polygon models, and something that only slightly passes as a physics engine.

The result of our obsession with plastic

jmd says...

Just because we want it does not mean it is best for us. People don't like it but this is why we need government oversight. Because checks need to be made, the industry does not care, and consumers are too stupid to know any better.

bremnet said:

Hmmm... along comes plastic. Plastic is cheap, reusable, lasts a long time, doesn't mind getting wet, weighs less compared to the variety of non-plastic things it replaced. Humans love plastic. Producers make more things out of plastic to keep the humans happy. Uh oh. Plastic winds up where it shouldn't. Humans aren't bad, plastic producers that made the plastic for the humans are bad. Humans might have wanted it before, now they don't, but it's not their fault, it's the shitty industries fault. How dare they make things that we used to want, but now we don't. Bastards. If you feel so strongly, take everything you own that has plastic in it and give it the toss. That'll show 'em. (Proper government representation?)

School Talent Show Drum Duet

Lost in Space - Official Full Netflix Trailer

jmd says...

That wasn't a question I was currently asking. -_-

Payback said:

Dr. Smith is played by Parker Posey (The female vampire in Blade 3). She's in the trailer saying "It's complicated" or something similar.

The result of our obsession with plastic

jmd says...

No obsession here, simply a result of our shitty industries and lack of proper government representation to control this crap.

Lost in Space - Official Full Netflix Trailer

jmd says...

I'm a little more interested after the trailer. I like the idea of the robot being an alien, you can go so many ways with that. Also I was wondering when the doctor would show up. My only beef is MOST of this trailer consist of the Robinsons dealing with nothing but events that deal with getting their ship unstuck from nature, in a world or worlds that very much resemble earth. It is just trope after trope with the ship stick in a cliff. Very little alien life present or much of an alien world.

In fact it is pretty ridiculous for a family who says they are "lost", they seem to have landed on a perfectly good M class planet which are near impossible odds.

Cardboard Plane

jmd says...

Wow that guy made the video annoying to watch. It is a shame he hasn't watched other R/C planes, he might learn that those modern electric motors can generate so much thrust that the body wouldnt even be needed. You would have to try very very hard and add a ton of weight to make a battery powered plane that couldn't fly. And when I say fly I mean "dragged along by a horizontal helicopter blade".

Mary Poppins Returns Official Teaser Trailer

jmd says...

Sage, thanks for the info. It makes sense now. Poppins didn't need a sequel. Alot of what made it special was its effects and charm for the time period. Doing the doppelganger mirror image trick now just made the movie creepy.

"Batman Ninja" trailer (English language)

jmd says...

But that is because the movie is so bad to begin with. I hate dubs with a passion because most often the voice does not match the actor like originally intended by the director. Also in the case of japan animations, voice acting is a highly competitive career market over there which means there are many top tier actors to choose from. Liscensed dubs on the other hand deal with a lot of frequently contracted actors in a market that isn't bursting with talent.

Also the plot of this animation seems pretty ridiculous. I would have let the batman and joker pass but when everyone else in the batman universe, even the god damn butler, showes up I was like
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

newtboy said:

But isn't the awful dubbing 1/2 of what makes Godzilla movies so fun? It certainly makes kung fu movies better.

Lost in Space | Date Announcement | Netflix

jmd says...

I am so one of the few who thought the William Hurt movie version really got a lot of things right. I loved the style, the effects, the acting, the actors (leblanc takes some time to get used to. I did not like friends and he has a punchable mug). The only thing that fell apart was the last 3rd of the movie, the whole time travel going back to a mutant gary oldman spider creature was just so...unwanted. But the lighting, the way the ship looked, the way the suits were designed, awesome. There is very little I see that I like in this trailer.

Ragdoll Man

DIY exhaust system

Spiderman's plan to beat Thanatos

jmd says...

camera failed twice.. I think it choked on a flip or something too. Thatle learn you to cheap out and buy that J7, biatch.

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