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Play by Play: What Caused the Current Economic Crisis

jake says...

Upvoting this because I agree that this is the primary cause for the subprime crisis.

It is ironic that people are proposing more regulation to correct this.

It seems to me, however, that this video tries to place blame in a very skewed way, especially given this comment from the CRA wikipedia article:

"In 2003, the Bush Administration recommended what the NY Times called "the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago." [10] This change was to move governmental supervision of two of the primary agents guaranteeing subprime loans, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under a new agency created within the Department of the Treasury."

Isn't this exactly what the bill is going to achieve, along with a ton of other affected lenders?

The 2003 act didn't pass because there was no crisis then, so where does that leave us? Is it possible that the Bush administration knew what was going on from the outset, or did they have other intentions? Why would a pro "free market" republican administration want to regulate mortgage lenders in the first place?

Paul Newman dies at 83

Rep. McDermott "Paulson can throw a pass to himself"

TYT: What Wars Has John McCain Won

John Kerry Concedes - 2004

jake says...

Pretty profound words there... i'm starting to think that if Obama doesn't get elected, my dreams of one day transferring my consciousness into a computer will never come to light (that is, unless he is a sleeper agent of the CFR/Trilateral commission/Bilderbergers)

not good. not good at all.

Oprah crowd goes batshit mental

"I started a Joke" The Bee Gees

The Tourettes Guy - Shit Like A Horse

Hanging Cell Phone Prank

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