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islaywombats (Member Profile)

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

islaywombats says...

Apparently it's $1 a month plus $2 for shipping and handling. So... The three dollar shave club? Awesome commercial, though!>> ^spoco2:

I'm thinking that viral might have to go here.
Also... um
How the hell do you make money sending out blades every month for a dollar?
What's the breakdown
x cents on blades
x cents on postage
x cents on packaging
x cents on website/fulfilment
How many cents left?
Seems like you're running on stupidly tiny margins

Nickel Creek - Reasons Why

islaywombats says...

If you guys enjoy Chris Thile (the mandolin player for Nickel Creek), I'd highly recommend his new group, Punch Brothers. Very different from NC, but UNBELIEVABLE. Worth a listen.

The Punch Brothers Pandora station is awesome too.

Women can be awfully confusing at times

islaywombats says...

Oh. The first time I watched it I thought the girl was just freaking out for no reason. Then I realized that she's freaking out because he didn't offer to walk with her to class. So, no reason.

Women... Something something something, KITCHEN! Am I right, men?

islaywombats (Member Profile)

Dubstep Guns!

Fainting Goat Kittens

islaywombats says...

I can't decide if this is the saddest or funniest thing I have ever seen. The hopeful, "I can overcome adversity" music probably pushes it a little farther onto the sadness side... But seriously. That is hilarious. And so sad.

F-22 Raptor taking off: 25 seconds of pure awesomeness

Triple Human Botfly removal

Trailer -- Pumzi

Nature's great feeding frenzies (HD BBC/Attenborough)

Creationism propaganda for children

Female Wolf Spider With Babies

Haiti Earthquake: View From The Ground

islaywombats says...

I was just in Port-au-Prince 2 months ago. This is hard to watch. Especially seeing the Presidential Palace in ruins. The Haitians I was with took such pride in their "White House." Devastating...

Spartacus: Blood and Sand Trailer (new Starz series)

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