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The Brilliant Earth Diamond Scam

iaui says...

As a Canadian I would like to say that I'm sorry to be so hard-line about this but please Beautiful Earth would you stop using our name to sell your diamonds. We would really appreciate it.

Thanks, and sorry again.

- Canada

Alex Jones Called Out Stephen Colbert In Court Testimony

4 Revolutionary Riddles Resolved!

Naomi Klein -- How to Jam the Trump Brand

INSIDE a Spherical Mirror

Playing Against Type: The Typewriter Orchestra

We Told You So: Russian Hacking | Full Frontal -Samantha Bee

We Told You So: Russian Hacking | Full Frontal -Samantha Bee

iaui says...

OMG! Our very own famous Russian troll is made famous yet again! Congrats, @bobknight33 on your _second_ tv debut.

Last time bob said:
"Christ you made me listen to this bitch. What a waste of time.

But is does how that even Russians see Clinton for the criminal skank she is."

Let's see what he has to say now.


Have I been Trumped by Google? (Sift Talk Post)

iaui says...

I'm seeing this problem too. I tried to submit the Colbert riff on "Hey Stranger" and got the XSS issue as well. If it's really a Chrome bug it'll be fixed in the next version, I would assume.

Hi Stranger

Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes Steve Bannon

Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes Steve Bannon

The failure of the media, explained

iaui says...

Never forget. Trump won by 70,000 votes. And lost the popular vote by over 3,000,000 votes. To say that these pundits' "entire analytical framework was drastically and catastrophically faulty" is totally wrong. They were wrong by whatever percentage of the total votes 70,000 votes is. Or maybe double that, to cement a Clinton lead. So they were wrong by 140,000 / 138,884,643 = 0.00100803081 so

They were wrong by 0.10%.

And based on the population who voted they were right by (Clinton's votes: 65,844,610) - (Trump votes: 62,979,636) = 2,864,974 votes / 138,884,643 = 0.02062844341.

They were right by 2.06%. They were over 20 times more right than they were wrong.

Also, regarding Economic and Racial anxiety, BOTH were correlated as predictors of support for Trump. That does not mean that every person who was Economically anxious was also Racially anxious but I would bet those populations do overlap somewhat, partly because the question isn't just 'Are you economically anxious?' but 'Are you economically anxious while Barack Obama is in the White House?'

I don't necessarily feel dumber having watched this video, but it's clearly very biased, and I do feel like it was a waste of my time to see it. The video's writer is obviously just looking to name a few Liberal up and comers and attempt to cut them down.

Also, consider the post source. @bobknight33 is as Russian-trolly as Russian trolls get. This is exactly the kind of right-wing propaganda they love to use to bash Liberals in America and push them further towards their wing.

L.A.'s Spiciest Fried Chicken

Horrible Conditions in Dent County Jail

iaui says...

Get on this. This is the kind of thing bobknight will be using in his home country to slander Americans.

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