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Death in Gaza

hpqp says...

Hate breeding hate on both sides, and for what? Some so-called "sacred" land? If it weren't for the imaginary friends of the grownups these people could be living peacefully together in one country. Religion poisons everything.

Google launches global augmented reality game - Ingress

Love and Justice will always win out -- WA State rocks!

How to Peel a Potato with Your Bare Hands

hpqp says...

Michio Kaku: Can Nanotechnology Create Utopia?

hpqp says...

Oh please, this is just bad science. It's barely even worth cheap sci-fi. Where do you get the energy to run the replicator, eh? Does entropy ring a bell? Even without replicators humans are draining the earth of it's energetic resources (including the "sustainable" ones)...

Nice philosophical mindgame, like all utopias for that matter, but nowhere near hard science.

QQOOQQ award 2012

Woman 'denied a termination' dies in hospital -- TYT

ant (Member Profile)

hpqp says...

Caffeine!! - Bite Sci-zed

hpqp jokingly says...

The only thing you need to know about coffee:

World War Z Trailer with Pee-wee Herman Voices

hpqp says...

Heh, I wanted an Inception trailer by Pee Wee, found this instead:

Secret Service Investigating Woman's Facebook Post

hpqp says...

Oh puh-leeze, why is this a story? If you write something about the president with "assassinate/assassination" in the same post (let alone clearly wishing it upon him, moreover clearly because of his race) you can bet your buttskin you'll be under secret service watch, and rightly so. I have no sympathy for this shitforbrains whatsoever.

Rachel Maddow "Last night the Republicans got shellacked"

hpqp says...

>> ^VoodooV:

Oh Rachel, so smart, but so dumb.
did it ever occur to you that the two party system is BAD. Our founders did NOT want Parties,
One party may be less bad than the other, but the system of parties is BAD. How many people, on both sides of the aisle, voted not for Obama or for Romney, they voted for democrat or republican.
Don't you see a fundamental problem with that....with the party being more important than the person...than the country.
The two party system needs to go. ban all parties. vote for the person, not the party

No, vote for the ideas, not the person, nor the party. (but I think that's what you meant, amirite?)

Miitt Rommney Romm

Sh*t Girls Say when giving Blowjobs

Third Eagle Sings of Obama's Actual Gayness (70 secs)

hpqp says...

You know what would be really awesome? A mix-race female gay atheist GOP candidate for the presidency. When that day comes you'll know we'll have overcome some major equality issues.

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