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How to Freak Someone Out Big Time

hpqp says...

Those people are surely actors. No airport would allow that sort of elaborate "prank" to go on, what with all the unforseeables.

Matt and Kim - Harlem Shake - You think you've seen it all..

Grimm (Member Profile)

hpqp (Member Profile)

lurgee (Member Profile)

Paranoia Agent Opening - Yume no Shima Shinen Kouen

Thunderf00t - Why 'Feminism' is poisoning Atheism

Penn & Teller - Mother Teresa is Bullshit

hpqp says...

The reason Hitchens is being quoted is because he wrote a well-researched piece of investigative journalism on the subject (his book on MT). This being TV, they can't constantly bring up the references. If you are skeptical about it (a perfectly reasonable stance), check the book and its footnotes.

Payback said:

As much as I like C Hitchens... almost every "fact" was presented "this guy says..."

Mood Indigo - Trailer - Michel Gondry, Audrey Tautou

hpqp says...

When I read this amazing book (L'Ecume des Jours, Boris Vian) I thought, no way it could be adapted. But this is Michel "Eternal Sunshine" Gondry, so I look forward to be proven wrong.

The Science Of How We Are Persuaded

Girl does Melbourne Shuffle to Parov Stelar

Lykke Li - Tonight

Louis C.K - Cunt & Nigger

Katie Goodman ~ I Didn't F*ck It Up

Everything Wrong With The Avengers In 3 Minutes Or Less

hpqp says...

The fail tag is right on: this video fails at making any accurate point (does he not understand how *comics work?) and, more importantly, fails at being funny.

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