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Greek/Euro Crisis Explained

Kilauea - The Fire Within

Is Climate Change Just A Lot Of Hot Air?

gwiz665 jokingly says...

God did it. You're not praying enough and continue to live in your ungodly lifestyle - why should we have to be punished for your sins? Time for a purge! The final solution is at hand!! *slams table*

Mickey Avalon-My Dick

gwiz665 says...

Stop talking about my dick, Eric!

eric3579 said:

My dick cost a late night fee
Your dick got the HIV
My dick plays on the double feature screen
Your dick went straight to DVD

My dick - bigger than a bridge
Your dick look like a little kid's
My dick - large like the Chargers, the whole team
Your shit look like you fourteen

My dick - locked in a cage, right
Your dick suffer from stage fright
My dick - so hot, it's stolen
Your dick look like Gary Coleman

My dick - pink and big
Your dick stinks like shit
My dick got a Caesar do,
Your dick needs a tweezer, dude

My dick is like super size
Your dick look like two fries
My dick - more mass than the Earth
Your dick - half staff, it needs work

My dick - been there done that
Your dick sits there with dunce cap
My dick - V.I.P.
Your shit needs I.D.

It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

My dick need no introduction
Your dick don't even function
My dick served a whole lunch -in
Your dick - it look like a munchkin

My dick - size of a pumpkin
Your dick look like Macaulay Culkin
My dick - good good lovin'
Your dick - good for nothin'

My dick bench pressed 350
Your dick couldn't shoplift at Thrifty
My dick - pretty damn skippy
Your dick - hungry as a hippie

My dick don't fit down the chimney
Your dick is like a kid from the Philippines
My dick is like an M16
Your dick - broken vending machine

My dick parts the seas
Your dick farts and queefs
My dick - rumble in the jungle
Your dick got touched by your uncle

My dick goes to yoga
Your dick - fruit roll -up
My dick - grade -A beef
Your dick - Mayday geek

My dick - sick and dangerous
Your dick - quick and painless
My dick - 'nuff said.
Your dick loves Fred

It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

Heyinflatable® Bubble fußball (Documentaries Talk Post)

heyinflatable (Member Profile)

Heyinflatable® Bubble fußball (Documentaries Talk Post)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Completely Erase Entire Comments from People You're Ignoring (Sift Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Problem is were all people here,Speechless.One mans comedy is another's trigger. Unless it becomes cancerous for everyone its better to let people ignore systematically, effectually banning personally. I do think its a little much to remove them from the thread entirely, like Facebook does, because it will potentially fracture conversations. At least show that x ignored user posted, if not the content.

This could totally be done per user settings too.

Mad Max-Fury Road-Official Trailer

Is the Sift outdated? (User Poll by GenjiKilpatrick)

gwiz665 says...

Not outdated as such. Sure, it doesn't have as readily available content as reddit or imgur, so the "quick fixers" won't come here as much as they would before.

The community seems to have shrunk as well - I suppose we're growing up and busy, so there's less of a vibrant discussion going on. Democrats are in office, atheism is better, cats are cute. There's less to talk about now, unless you get into depressing stuff like Syria. There's no friendly competition anymore and the gamefication seems to have gone away.

To me it feels like videosift is like highschool - I've graduated, so there's very little reason to come back to the little pond, since most of my friends have moved on as well.

Videosift also seems to be developing in a direction that doesn't cater to me anymore - the new design doesn't appeal to me at all. If the whole thing changes to the new layout for single pages, I'm probably out for good.

Stormblades - Cinematic Trailer

Credit Card Fraud! Beware! (Money Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

There's a possibility that it's not a "rogue site" but rather a malware on your machine sending the information to a 3rd party. Make sure you don't have any questionable addons in your browser, or weird programs installed (check add/remove programs in your control panel).

how not to fill up a simple tank of gas

Vladimir Horowitz plays Chopin's Raindrop Prelude in D flat

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