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lucifer1611 (Member Profile)

Captain America: Civil War - Official Films Music - FULL VER

Captain America: Civil War - Official Films Music - FULL VER

Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Republicans: Do Your Job

The Politics of "Parks and Rec"

gwiz665 says...

In fairness, @ChaosEngine, "the american right" is more than the republican party, just as the left is more than democrats. The republican party as it exist today seems entirely nuts, I agree, but there are lots and lots of entirely reasonable people with more conservative views.

Sarah Silverman Feels the Bern

gwiz665 says...

I feel this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. "He can't be elected, there I won't vote for him, so he won't be elected."

If you just suck it up and vote with your heart instead, he'll win no problem. Any of the republicans this time around are complete batshit crazy, at least George W. was just a little slow. Trump and Cruz are both completely off the rocker.

kingmob said:

I love Sarah but I can't jump on the Bernie bandwagon. I just don't feel he has the general electorate.

I think he has stirred the pot quite viciously and the democrats have to give him something, VP or Cabinet but I don't think he has the general electorate like Donald has.

Sorry I know the rule is don't talk politics and comment on videos together but I am a good old fashioned rulebreaker.

VideoSift is 10 (Fire Talk Post)

Deadpool - Australia Day message

Martyrs Without a Cause aka Redneck Lives Matter

Aussie blokes thwart thieves during robbery

if blizzard were 100% honest with us

Gervais' Nastiest Jokes at Golden Globes, Pre-2016

EPA Finally Admits What's Killing Honey Bees

gwiz665 says...

Hey man, don't drag the rest of us in with you americants.

newtboy said:

It's insane that this was one of the original suspects in Colony Collapse Disorder, and only now, 10+ years into the decimation of bees (and many other insects) can the EPA admit it's a problem....yet they won't likely make ANY changes until the end of the year, ensuring another year of CCD for the bee industry as well as all other native insects that are effected.

Always a week late and $99 short seems to be the motto of our species these days. More and more I tend to think we aren't worth saving and that the collapse of the eco system is a strong, scorched earth type of chemo therapy the biosphere needs to remove the cancer that is man. It's delicious irony that we'll do it to ourselves, but unforgiveable that we'll also probably take 99% of life with us.
Where's a plague when we need one?

Syntaxed (Member Profile)

Syntaxed (Member Profile)

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