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<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Cheese Festival! (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist) is gonna charge 3 dollars a month... (Blog Entry by paul4dirt)

Factions of Libertarianism (Politics Talk Post)

Take the Political Compass Test (Philosophy Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

Economic Left/Right: 1.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.15

Almost smack dab in the middle. The problem is that there are too many problems, and never a best solution (though there are some better then others). Still more Libertarian then anything else, Bob Barr in 2012!

TDS Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer - The Interview

Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

Holy Crap siftbot thew us back to day one with this thing. He's trying to erase his data banks to become self-aware. Lucky, Dag, you've doomed us all!

Building of the Lego Millennium Falcon: The Definitive Movie

In 'N Out (and not the fun kind) (Blog Entry by kronosposeidon)

gorgonheap says...

Yeah I miss the good old days before all these jerk wads who can't take a joke came poking around the site. Oh well I guess that's the price you pay for getting mixed up with a now popular website.

Attention Sift Schutzstaffel (Sift Talk Post)

Attention Sift Schutzstaffel (Sift Talk Post)

Attention Sift Schutzstaffel (Sift Talk Post)

Attention Sift Schutzstaffel (Sift Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

Some real great whining going on here. Let's see where did I put that list?

-Make other people more miserable then me. Check
-Make someone apologize for something trivial. Check
-Confront issues with my god complex. Not happening
-Have the whole issue blown out of proportion causing a rift among sifters. In progress

Attention Sift Schutzstaffel (Sift Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

Is that an apology or an admission of guilt! 30 lashing and then you walk the plank.

Na, it was really just one video, but having to replace the 40 or so before it was a bit disheartening, I guess all the corporate movie and music shlubs have gone on a 'don't touch or stuff' binge.

Like I say *venting channel

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