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Political Tea Bagging! - Fox is Right! Burn the Books!

Kirk Cameron Plugs the Atheist Bible

Telectroscope Allows View Across the Atlantic

The Mystery of the Copper Scroll

Ghostbusters (1984) "Cats and Dogs" speech in Mayors Office

Conan O'Brien - The Interrupter (1-24-06)

Kutiman's "Mother of All Funk Chords"

Atheist Hell: All Atheists Are Turned Into Bibles!!!! NOOOO!

enon says...

>> ^Sketch:
This video is the perfect example of a religious person. A robot spouting nonsense, unable to think for itself, but owing its existence to science.

That is an awesome observation.

Desmond Tutu Decries Culture of Competition

enon says...

Wow, this is the first time I've seen a video on the sift and been disappointed with the comments; everyone is taking out of context what he is saying. He ISN'T saying that we shouldn't try and PROGRESS- people are confusing "culture of competition" with progress. Notice that it's "culture of competition" and not just "competition". He denounces the extremities of competition which result in a LACK of progress because people become so concerned with being the best-- being better than their neighbors that society as a whole suffers and stagnates.

Sean Penn's Acceptance Speech - Oscars 2009

The circles of Ray Comfort's mind

Ray Kurzweil on the future of technology

enon says...

>> ^doogle:
What a kook.
If I wanted a zany view of the future, I will rent Back to the Future 2, 2010 Space Odyssey and the Jetsons.
If I wanted to hear a kook's view of the future, I'll get my uncle a bottle of JD. He is still shopping for a hard drive to download the whole Internet before he has enough space on his calculator-watch to store it all. Did I mention he wants to cyrogenically-freeze his head until they can cure whatever'll cut his life short from eternity?

I Can't begin to tell you how small minded that makes you sound. He's an insanely intelligent and successful man- and if you take the time to read his book A LOT of what he has predicted has already come true. I'm not here preaching that hes a soothsayer and that everything he says will come true, but he is most certainly not a "kook" who is just pulling crap out of his ass.

I see a similarity between much of what you have said and much of what was said about other great thinkers of our time. You have to realize ALL progressive thinkers seem crazy, that is until whatever they postulate comes true.

Allow Self-Linking for Dead Videos (User Poll by burdturgler)

Special Poetry Slam - Werewolf

Special Poetry Slam - Werewolf

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