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Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

drattus says...

Small quirk in the scheme of things but I just noticed that although the last video I sifted, shows up on my "Highest Rated Videos" list it doesn't show up on my sifted videos list itself. I haven't added up votes or anything but I'd guess they are ok, it just isn't showing up on my sifted list as far as I can tell.

I'd guess if it happened to that one it might have to others recent vids as well so when you've got the rest sorted out you might look into it if you get a chance.

You are NOT Your Votes (Sift Talk Post)

drattus says...

Agreed, though some hurt worse than others. I'd give up every other video I ever sifted here to have the votes on one in particular back. Used it as a reference for activism here and elsewhere and it's going to look kinda lonesome sitting there with two or three votes Not quite as impressive as the 62 it had. Had never used a self promote or beg yet but I guess I'll have to rethink that when the rush of them ends here.

Maybe we could use a thread for that in a couple of days? Everyone pick just one or two that they really want to focus attention on, something that matters more to them than most?

Watch This Before Filing A False DMCA

drattus says...

>> ^ziggystardust:
Love the "pwned" tag.

I never would have thought of it myself, that was one of many tags applied to the original post. I generally check those for ideas first then add or trim as seems appropriate for where it's posted but that's not a word I'd ever use on my own I don't think. Seemed suitable here though so I left it

F-16 Falcon Supersonic Low Pass

drattus says...

Yes, they do emit a sonic boom the entire time they are super sonic. The boom isn't caused just by the fact that they break the barrier, it's because of the shock wave caused by the passage of the plane through the air and that shock wave travels with the plane.

Yes, fighter planes traveling at super sonic speeds would be easier to detect for that reason, and for that reason stealth fighters were designed to perform at sub mach maximums. There's no need for a "stealth" fighter to ever break the sound barrier, doing so would defeat the purpose so they had a max speed of Mach 0.92.

There could be an argument for them to have super sonic capability in case they do get spotted and need to get away but everything is a trade off between utility for the purpose and just in case needs and in this case they decided it wasn't anything they needed.

Rejecting the Label 'Atheist'

drattus says...

I don't think he was arguing against the need for atheists, matter of fact I'm pretty sure he wasn't He's the author of a 29 part (so far) series called "Why do people laugh at creationists?" We've got a couple of them posted here I'm pretty sure.

I think the effort was more in reducing the power of the label, it's used as a weapon too often. As EDD mentioned above it has a "negative connotation" in most places. It might be useful to explore ways to defuse that and turn it around on them, I think that's more what he was getting at. We'll never be able to "prove" God doesn't exist but as Potholer54 closed his origin of life made easy video with if we've got natural explanations for how things could have happened then when where or why would anything else have needed to step in? In the end it's not a matter of faith, it's a detective trail.

EDD (Member Profile)

drattus says...

Thank you, I believe you just made my day. For what it's worth people like you and mauz15 are a good part of why I still come back here for regular visits, even if I don't post a lot. I do miss Fedquip and Rembar, they were prolific and often amusing, but there's a lot of quality left in this place still. More than I give it credit for sometimes, I'm just a humorless SOB now and then It's no better to take life too serious than it is too lightly and that's a balance I'm still working on I guess. I honestly do admire people like you that can manage a good effort at both.

In reply to this comment by EDD:

EDD (Member Profile)

drattus says...

Thanks. Oddly enough it wasn't something I really wanted, and I'm not looking forward to earning gold anytime soon. I'm a social misfit and the parties they throw over those things would just make me uncomfortable I'm sure, that's part of why I never went after rank here. I wouldn't know how to respond.

Ran into a couple of kids recently who had their heads filled with garbage by some young earth group and figured I had to make a gesture at least to fight the disinformation. The urge will probably pass soon enough

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Cheers on the silver, you Sift-veteran you !

Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis (Science Talk Post)

drattus says...

The health care part I don't think needs to be as hard as some think it is, solutions seem to be both in reach and non-damaging to any real competition. The only ones hurt should be the vultures. It's based on costs and reducing them, the following page will help set the table for the idea. The Kaiser Family Foundation, home of the Kaiser Permanente health care groups, offers a bit of data for it and tends to be a well respected source.

As that demonstrates we as Americans pay twice as much or close to it per capita what other nations do, nations such as Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden and so on manage to cover all of their people and to do it for about half of what we pay to just cover some of them. The why of it is both the problem and the solution.

Private insurance companies have managed to insert themselves so heavily into our politics and policy over the last few decades that as rules were rewritten they always tended to be weighted in favor of those who donated big money, and that wasn't us as consumers. Simply replace them if they can't be more than vultures. I do NOT want "socialized health care" in the sense of a micromanaged system but there does seem to be both valid reason and need to have national insurance.

That would probably cover just basic services such as high blood pressure, check ups, and such like that, the expensive stuff such as transplants would likely still fall under supplemental insurance for those who can afford it. They don't tell the docs what to do, we've got medical boards to set standards of care. They just pay the bills. And the docs and hospitals are still self employed, they just submit basic services to a national insurance instead of private.

Yes, there's a million ways it could be done badly but paying twice as much as others for worse services isn't exactly an option worth defending either. We've just got to pay attention and stay involved if we can manage that.

Other aspects of this mess are similar. We don't need sweeping changes to our way of life or anything ridiculous like that, we just need some moderation and redistribution. Yes, I know, dirty word redistribution is, at least until we think about circumstances and the extent we'll redistribute it to. Over the last 30 or so years worker productivity has climbed and climbed again, business profits have climbed and climbed again, and CEO compensation has climbed then climbed again. The one that that hasn't changed much is OUR level of compensation. Real wages adjusted for inflation has been nearly stagnant with minor increases compared to the value offered.

They donated the big bucks, they made the rules to more and more favor themselves, and though yes, it was all legal, it's also legal to say enough is enough and it's time to stop profiteering while your nation falls into disrepair. Power attracts power and money attracts money, we all know it works like that and on the surface there's nothing wrong with that. At least not until it's taken to an extreme. When we hit that extreme we end up with depressions, revolutions, or other civil disturbances which serve to level the playing field again. If we want to avoid the occasional unrest and disturbance we've got to keep a better balance in the first place. Balance is what we forgot. You can't keep feeding the majority of a nations wealth to a very small number of people and expect that nation to become anything but poor as a whole. If the people can't afford to buy anymore the markets cease to function and all the free market idealism in the world won't get them going again. You need to keep money in the pockets of those who are most likely to actually spend it too.

BBC - Science and Islam

drattus says...

I'm surprised this doesn't have more votes. Especially today it seems relevant in demonstrating that just because you're on top today that doesn't mean you've got a natural right to it. Stick our heads in the sand and start denying observable data just because it conflicts with preconceived ideas and we can throw ourselves into a dark age of sorts too.

That's how it happened to them. Knowledge just started to make too many uncomfortable and they turned against it in favor of an old book. If it wasn't for that we might have been hundreds of years advanced past where we are today but we needed to wait for a whole different culture and people to pick up where they left off and even "rediscover" some of it.

Rejecting the Label 'Atheist'

drattus says...

I'd know that voice anywhere, that's Thunderf00t. He's a bit of a character in the YouTube atheist community and forced a top young earth type there to post a groveling apology or go to court and maybe to jail some time back. He apologized. False DMCA complaints and slander are a bad idea, even if you do think you work for God.

You can get the original version of this on YouTube, has a HD version there so might be better quality. He's got some play lists worth checking out too on his account.

Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis (Science Talk Post)

drattus says...

Personally I agree with what DFT and Ornthoron suggest, the labels themselves are more the problem than either socialism or capitalism in themselves is. We, and most other nations, have always had aspects that were socialist, capitalist, and a few other things such as authoritarian besides at times or in places. The difference tends to be in degree, what policies or areas they are applied in and to what extent. Extremes of any in the wrong places can get pretty ugly, the trick is more in finding the right balance between them. We're just so used to sound bite politics and easy two minute answers that we forgot real problem solving involves a bit more time, effort, and judgment than that. That's the thinking that got us into this problem and it won't get us out.

Drug war, war on terror, finances, and so on, it's all the same. We want easy one step bumper sticker answers and real life just won't cooperate with us on that. What we need are intelligent processes that keep all options open and adjust as needed based on current conditions and past results. I hold little hope of us actually getting it though. It won't happen just because it should and the American people for the most part can't be bothered to get involved in their own lives and nation, they'd rather watch reality TV. If we want better we've got to make it happen and I don't think we will.

What the Problem Is Is "Is Is"

drattus says...

I grew up in the days of "ain't is not a word" and lectures of the sort. Well, it's in the dictionary these days isn't it? Give it another generation or two and the "disapproved" bit will likely fade as well.

The only difference between being corrected for a "wrong" and starting a new ok or even right is the amount of time it's been done and how widespread it is. Compared to ebonics and valley speak which we all seem to have survived and which seem to have largely faded away this doesn't strike me as a threat to the language either. If people do like it who says we got to write the rules anyway? Language is what people use in the end, simple as that.

F-16 Falcon Supersonic Low Pass

drattus says...

There's no chance that I can see that it was super sonic. As Arg mentioned above you can hear the plane coming before it gets there. If it isn't traveling as fast or faster than its own sound then it's not supersonic, that's what supersonic means.

Welcome to Earth - Before The Dinosaurs (Part 01)

drattus says...

Cool, thanks for that. It's pretty hard to find a made for the public one that isn't like that. I sifted then killed one the other day because it went too much into Darwin as if it all depended on him and we've already got enough problems with people thinking that. Yes, he was a genius and was ahead of his time but the time was coming with or without him, others had been on a similar track for a while and were working on it too.

Science Channel's "100 Greatest Discoveries" in Physics

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