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Mimosa pudica: A plant that does NOT like to be touched

digitalbombdog says...


Yeah, it grows all over the place in Hawaii. I've always heard it referred to as sleeping grass. Fun to play with, but a bitch when it starts taking over your lawn. Very thorny.

Zero Punctuation: Tomb Raider Underworld

The The Impotence of Proofreading

Robot Chicken - Table Be Round feat. Sir Mix-A-Lot

HadouKen24 (Member Profile)

digitalbombdog says...

Weird Al is very conscious of copyright infringement. He seeks permission from every artist he parodies. If he doesn't get the permission, he doesn't do the song. And parody and satire sit slightly apart when it comes to copyright. And I doubt that Coldplay were attempting to spoof Satriani.

HadouKen24 (Member Profile)

digitalbombdog says...

In reply to this comment by HadouKen24:
Even if Coldplay did "rip it off," so what?

Creative works are creative even if they borrow from other sources. What makes them creative is how they use those sources. Whether or not you think Coldplay is a very good band or very original, their use of the melody constitutes a new work, a new take on an old idea.

If we were to make this a big deal, we'd have to get rid of Weird Al Yankovic. A whole lot of classical music is right out; they borrowed from each other all the time, riffing on each others' themes. DJ's would be out of work. They practice their craft by remixing and juxtaposing the very recordings done by other musical artists.

Come on, people. Let's not squash what little culture America has.

Laser Pointer - Mythbusters Bust Moon Landing Conspiracies

Austin Powers - Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto

Vesuvius - The next Spinal Tap

Hitler Sings "The Jeffersons" Theme

Man pays for dinner in pennies... my hero.

digitalbombdog says...

I work for OfficeMax, and yes we will take the pennies. Because this viral ad is out there, the company is prepared for some customers to come in and attempt to pay all in pennies. The company response when someone attempts to pay all in pennies is to take them and ask them to wait while we run them through a coin counter.

Optical illusion - Negative afterimage

Impressive Tornado Footage

Making iced tea the creepy way

digitalbombdog says...

Why is he sticking a dirty measuring cup into the sugar? I can only hope that the white sticky stuff on the cup is sugar, but from my experience sugar doesn't clump like that on a plastic surface unless it's clinging to...something else.

Karate Kid video directed by "Johnny" from the movie

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