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Mitchell and Webb : A bigger spoon

5-Minute Chocolate Cake -- cake in a cup? hells ya!

Tea Party Crasher - Deprogramming

Unions: Shocking Levels of Influence

dgandhi says...

Okay, so the AFL-CIO chief talks to somebody in the Whitehouse everyday, BUT the president doesn't talk to any of those people anyway? How does the second assertion do anything but weaken the first? Or are these just unrelated jabs at the president and the vid editor just couldn't do the math to realize that they counteract each other?

How far away the Moon REALLY is...

God Does the Voiceover for a Dog Food Commercial

The New Tithe

dgandhi says...

>> ^bareboards2:
But I didn't like the implication that all church based charity work is worthless. I don't think that is fair.

It's not really claiming that its worthless, but that it's worth less.

I would go further and claim that it's very unlikely that the amount of useful charity work that is done by churches is worth as much as the tax subsidy that churches receive. That makes all church activity a net loss to the taxpayer in general, and tithe nothing more than the membership fee to a private club for the congregants.

Cruel, unusual punishment of WikiLeaker, Bradley Manning

dgandhi says...

RT follows the FOX strategy of extreme bias + visceral indignation, I find it totally off putting.

I have not seen any evidence of RT pushing falsehoods as facts, but thats probably just because of reality's liberal bias.

How To Solve The Rubik's Cube! - The Rap Version!

Anti-Abortion Video Targets Planned Parenthood

dgandhi says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
That's all fine so long as they do not break the law in the process. Justice is blind and blind for a reason.

While most of the staff said "everything here is confidential" ( which is a lie in this case), one person said to, at some future point, lie on a form. Then they ALL reported it to the FBI as soon as the guy left. Given the fact of the reporting, it's pretty hard to argue that even the fired staff person was actually attempting to conspire to break the law.

Sure she said something poorly, in order to protect the fictitious girls, but she did the functional right thing, give the guy reason to come back. It's pretty clear that PP has a legal, and moral policy to assist the FBI in these cases by building false relationships with people claiming to be involved in human trafficking, but one woman got fired(not charged with a crime, just fired) for lying the wrong way, which I think is absurd.

Anti-Abortion Video Targets Planned Parenthood

dgandhi says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

Also Planned Parenthood representatives should not be telling people to lie on their forms.

Think about that for a second, Some guy comes in, says he is pimping out young girls, and that he may need to get them abortions. You can:

A) tell him that you can't help and have him go to some back ally butcher, and totally off your radar.
B) tell him to bring the girls in, where they will at least get competent medical care, and might get some legal help.

This is exactly what happened with ACORN, they played to the supposed pimp, TO GATHER INFORMATION, and then they reported it to the AG, that's what they SHOULD do.

PP needs to grow a pair of ovaries and say loudly and publicly that stringing along criminals to assist in the collection of information about the abuse and sexual exploitation of miners is, and should be, part of their job, and deserves federal funding.

Snake-infested home for sale -- cheap!

Morbid Curiosity Leading Many Voters To Support Palin

dgandhi says...

And Thomas Edison gets too much credit. When somebody is the public figurehead of a group, and that group has a coherent personality, then it's meaningful to identify the actions of the group with the figurehead.

The gestalt entity known as Ronald Reagan kicked the supports out from under the California state government, and then went on to do the same to the federal government. I can't think of one aspect of the current financial/political crisis in the US that can't be clearly linked to the reagonite program. Barring everything else, he choose to be the symbol of that, and I'll continue to treat him as such.

>> ^Yogi:
Reagan gets a bad rap

US student pays $14,309 tuition in $1 bills

dgandhi says...

I really don't get the point of denomination abuse.

Is our society so innumerate that they need to see a stack of bills to understand how much $14K is?

If everybody did this, then it would cost the schools money, and the tuitions would have to go up to cover it, but one guy doing it is completely irrelevant.

Arduino The Documentary

dgandhi says...

>> ^deathcow:

I am using a baby orangutan board from Pololu.

Pretty cool board, it send me on a google rampage, seeing what else was out there. I just wanted to mention that I found the teensy which is a bare bones AVR with USB programmer on chip, which can run either straight AVR C or Arduino sketches, no FTDI board required all for <$20.
I will give Arduino some credit for opening up this eco-system, and I think they are great for noobs, but you are right there are a lot of great dev-boards out there now that allow you to harness the real potential of the hardware.

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