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Kylie as The Green Fairy - Moulin Rouge

detlev409 says...

I got this movie for Christmas many years ago, and it really freaked out my brother-in-law that I was happy about it.

Oddly enough, we've never really hung out, he and I.

Richard Dawkins: An atheist's call to arms

detlev409 says...

I still don't understand why you'd want to recruit atheists? I thought the whole point of atheism was that you don't advocate a system of belief? More atheists have tried to convert me in the past year than fundies have tried to "save" me. Why is that?

Teaser Trailer for Rob Zombie's Remake of Halloween

Atheist comes out of the Closet

detlev409 says...

I too, agree with Mr. White, though not necessarily with such vehemence. Atheistic groupthink abounds on the net these days, especially with the celebrity status that Dawkins has achieved.

I have no more a problem with an intelligent and reasoned atheist anymore than I have with an intelligent and reasoned Muslim or Wiccan. I've known and enjoyed the company of at least a couple of such people(for some reason there are very few Muslims in Tennessee or Ohio), but this new breed of "me-too" atheist drives me batty. If you want to combat the vocal minority of the religious right, I'll back you, but there's a movement towards violently denigrating any and all who espouse a personal faith and I find that just about as ignorant as hard line fundamentalism.

Atheist comes out of the Closet

detlev409 says...

My personal take on this situation is that the mom is insecure in her own beliefs (like many Christians) and finds her son's ability to reject them outright incredibly troubling because it shakes her fragile grip on a faith that is maintained more by groupthink than actual belief.

That said, I feel like this is a staged production. Usually I don't cry "fake" at random internet vids, but something just doesn't ring true here.

Kimmel Takes On Gawker Stalker

detlev409 says...

Right at about 5 minutes in she claims no one has a reasonable expectation of privacy and starts to make a noises to the effect that it might not be such a bad thing.

This woman is made up of just about everything that's wrong in America.

Echoes - Trippy as heck, free techno video game

Awesome Mime Routine

If George Was King (updated)

What do teachers make?

Six String Samurai- Buddy vs the Soviet Army

How To Walk Down The Street Efficiently In Japan

Introducing...................the Apple iRack

Metallica - Master of Puppets (live)

VW van jumps a hill

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