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Gwiz665 Shares His Body Secrets

America - FUCK YEAH! (Fan Edit)

The Wire--How Do You Get From Here to the Rest of the World?

demon_ix says...

For me, one of the strongest stories in the show is Dennis' journey in the third season, going from ex-con to gangster to boxing coach. Throwing away everything he had and all the temptations that came with that life, and learning how to start over.

Damn, that show is excellent...

ant (Member Profile)

The Simpsons - By the Book

misslyqa (Member Profile)

Bristol Palin's emmy worthy performance

Cardboard Office Prank Reaction

demon_ix says...

When your coworkers know exactly what type of soda can and what kind of snack you're going to walk in with in the morning... That's when you know you're too predictable.

Gallowflak (Member Profile)

demon_ix says...

Well, we did plan on eating it the entire time... It's not like we were gonna give it a lethal injection and then hold a service in his memory, was it?

In reply to this comment by Gallowflak:
So for like, 5 hours, you thought it was still alive and didn't do anything, and then when you finally got uncomfortable, you decided to bludgeon it against marble for half an hour straight?

Jackass . Poor fish!

Blankfist vs. Netrunner - Dispute Resolution

Ant drinking from a rain drop.

Portal 2: "Meet Wheatley"

G20 Toronto - Police Rape Threats, Strip Search - Amy Miller

demon_ix says...

She might be making it up, true, but if in fact there were 25 other women in there with her, receiving the same threats, she wouldn't be the only one making the claims soon.

Jimmy Fallon Encounters The Nintendo 3DS

Zombie Fish

demon_ix says...

I went fishing with some friends a few months ago. Didn't catch anything, but one of the fishermen nearby gave us a fish out of sympathy. We kept fishing for a couple of hours after that, and the fish was wiggling in the bag for the whole time.

After we were done, we figured it was dead for sure. We grabbed the bag, and he started wiggling like mad again. We got back, put it in the trunk and drove home. After about 45 minute of a drive, we got there, opened the trunk, and it was still wiggling.

We went upstairs and started debating on the best way to end it's life. 30 minutes of bashing it against marble didn't stop it's wiggling. At some point my friend just said screw it, and gutted / skinned it while it was still moving.

It was certainly one of the weirdest things I can remember.

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