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Passed out drunk + scotch tape = HILARIOUS!

Cy Amundson - Joining the Young Republicans

George Galloway on Saddam

dead_tofu says...

so he met with barberic leaders of country with millions of inhabitants who were among other things suffering from medical need, thanks to sanctions from the west. did you guys know rumsfeld was a ceo of the the french weapon-producer that sold saddam the gas which he used to gas the kurds, at the time the french sold him the gas!!!!!!!amazing stuff. we, the masses, are so stupid, these guys can get away with whatever....the game is so rigged.

Josh Sneed - Bob The Builder (HILARIOUS!)

Shocking, Israelis celebrating in NYC while documenting 9/11

dead_tofu says...

holy crap, 14 downvotes.....what will happen when i post a vid of young male jewish settlers throwing rocks at old palistinan ladies.... did you guys know that the jewish guy who was the head protecting the holy black sea scriptures, from being shown to anyone but very few people, deannounced his religion as soon he reached retirement. when asked why, he said it was because he had realized his religon was about racism, and nothing else. nothing else!!!!! he added that he would never ever have anything to do with judism. no wonder why nothing from the scriptures has been made public. not a single word. and it kinda confirms to me that the human right violations the state of isreal have showed towards palistinians the last 60 yrs are not to end until the last palistinian has left the i allowed to say this? this is anti-jewish-something....i guess. will i get sued? death-threats?

here is a little uplifting reading from a holy book:

Obama on Iran

Shocking, Israelis celebrating in NYC while documenting 9/11

Pablo Francesco - Latino´s & Brokeback Mountain(HILARIOUS!)

Keith Olbermann slams McCain and Republicans on 9/11

Lewis Black - New Stuff

George Galloway debates Christopher Hitchens w/ Amy Goodman

dead_tofu says...

the reason saddam had to be removed was because he was a bully? since the u.s has taken on the job of removeing leaders, then will they stop at saddam or continue, there are about 20 evil dictators in africa and the middle-east....and some guys in asia.....but there is not much oil under their feet.

Palin-God will turn gay people straight NBC

Legend Daniel Johnston on The Henry Rollins Show

George Galloway debates Christopher Hitchens w/ Amy Goodman

dead_tofu says...

its dead..... but these masterminds belong in here, i wouldnt dare oppose galloway at any point after seeing this, he is amazing......hitchens has a brain for sure, but wikipedia only mentions one personal friend of his, an iraqi buisnessman.....makes me wonder for his motivations about supporting the iraq-war....i just wonder, but then again, galloway might be right, it could be to land a vanity fair contract or too much whiskey!

Jim Jeffries - Hilarious stand-up

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