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Sigur Rós - Heima

dead_tofu says...

>> ^netean:
Sigur Ros are one of those rare bands that come along every few years - genuinely differnt, genuinely brilliant.
It never ceases to amaze me how the English speaking world generally ignores music that isn't in English, yet somehow bands from Iceland (rightly) get through the shield.
Considering also that pretty much every Icelander speaks perfect English (as all Scandies do!) they choose to sing in Icelandic and are the better for it (IMO)
superb band. I like them a lot!

i hate to bring it to you, but i interviewed them the first time they played outside iceland and found out that only the bass player spoke english. the other 3 didnt speak a word of english. being icelandic myself, i was a little shocked. i couldnt think of a cave that was so isolated from society back home, but they must have found it, and stayed there for awhile. not many people are aware of that, but their 'hopelandic' is brilliant, just a little more forced than orginal, as most people think.

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

dead_tofu says...

SWEDEN??????????????hahahaha......this is a joke. whats wrong with sweden? the average swede is wealthier there than the average american. everyone has free healthcare and they got a lot of hot chicks.

björk : bachelorette (live in cambridge)

I can't imagine a President being named Obama!

Lets eat fermented shark and drink Black Death!

dead_tofu says...

my mom once went out to get sharkmeat because she felt my friend from bosnia who was visiting me should try it. while he was chewing on it he complimented how great it tasted (it has a fucked up after-taste!). bosnians are extremly polite people. she had barely made it back to the fridge when she heard someone throw up. it wasnt me. it was the funniest thing i have ever seen.

I can't imagine a President being named Obama!

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Hugo Chavez Praises Comrade Bush

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Wedding Ring Exchange FAIL (0:44)

Racism at the Palin Rally in PA

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