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Street Dancers in Paris: Best Moonwalk Ever

dannym3141 says...

Probably waiting till the end so as not to block anyone's view?

lucky760 said:

Why is no one throwing money in his cap?

That was AWESOME and totally original. I've never seen anything like that before.

Reminds me of Michael Jackson.

You're F*ckin' High

dannym3141 says...

If they think that people are starting to lose interest in the main parties, they will spend the next 4 years highlighting war, terrorism, uncertainty and scarcity so that people are less likely to take any kind of risk. They will also highlight the uncertainty of voting for anyone else - i.e. these third parties are inexperienced, they don't understand, they are weak and/or sympathetic towards our enemy.

It's basically what they've done with Corbyn over here. "They" control the press so they also control the national will.

I think the only way we progress beyond this profit for the few, managed decline for the rest phase is to destroy the stranglehold that the media moguls like Murdoch, Barclays (the brothers, not the bank), etc. have over mainstream media.

They are literally peddling falsehoods and distractions so that people will target anyone other than those responsible.

MilkmanDan said:

If the election is "spoiled" one way or the other by 3rd party votes, it would send a pretty clear message to both parties: give us better choices, or face the consequences. Then again, maybe I'm being overly optimistic about the parties actually getting that message... Democrats should have been highly motivated to push for getting rid of the electoral college and/or considering a push for ranked-choice voting when Gore "lost" in 2000, but failed to do either.

LOGAN Official International Red Band Trailer #1

dannym3141 says...

Appropriate music choice given what it looks like.

If anyone was wondering like me why he has scars, it was apparently explained that because they wanted to make a different tone of movie, they had to imagine what it would be like if his healing ability changes as Wolverine himself ages, leaving him with scars/memories of past battles. I don't know how old he's supposed to be, but they did show him in Prof X's younger days (~60 years?) looking exactly the same as he did in the 2000's - so i'm not sure if it adds up, but i can excuse that for a different styled, good film.

Dynamic projection mapping onto deforming non-rigid surface

Honest Trailers - Ghostbusters (2016)

dannym3141 says...

Of course, it didn't help that it really wasn't funny.

That's not to do with the all women cast though because I don't like most of the comedies from Hollywood - especially the ones from the new gang of male comedy leads that they just churn out one after another.

In fact, of all recent American comedies the ones that have stood out to me have been The Other Woman and The Heat, both of which are all female leads with very little male involvement. I can't think of any male led ones that I liked, certainly nowhere near as much as those two.

But one line that made a lot of sense in there was when it said "proves once and for all that girls can make middle of the road studio-mandated franchise bait just as well as the boys!" -- which is a really good point. Men are churning out all those shit comedies, why not women too? I don't like any of them, and they deserve equality in my apathy.

This Is A Weapon Of War

The Art of BS

dannym3141 says...

I hope by now people know me well enough to know I am far from a Trump supporter.

But we would be missing out on a huge opportunity here if we didn't highlight that 99% of what politicians say is different looking, but equally foul bullshit.

I'm not joking. If you actually look into the 'facts' and 'statistics' that are used to push and promote the different policies, they are all based in falsehood or manipulation of meaning, a few off the very top of my head:
- Austerity - based on a study that was discredited not long after it was used to strip assets and cut funding for those who need it most
- Immigration caps - Theresa May talks big about reducing immigration now, saying what a problem it has become but she was *home secretary*, responsible for handling immigration policy
- Benefit caps - for years they have painted benefits cheats as the great drain on the British welfare system with TV shows and press releases, but the majority of the benefits bills go towards subsidising low pay (working tax credits, people in full time work that doesn't pay enough to live on) and paying rent to private landlords (rents which are unregulated, landlords who are already privately rich).
- Greater autonomy for local government - sounds great, we get a better say about things that affect us locally, except when we say that we don't want fracking in Lancashire, they over rule us and say we WILL have fracking in Lancashire. Greater autonomy only meant "we're not giving you any more money."

I'm barely getting started. You can go on and on - tax policy when it comes to big multi nationals who don't pay their fair share, but we let them haggle and pay a tokenistic amount - but the reason we don't have enough money is because of the burden of benefits cheats and immigrants??? We paid for the damage done by the financial crash, but the same people are still in charge and now they're taking billions in bonuses too - why don't we get any of it back!??

I can turn on the news at any time and within 30 seconds find something that is skirting with the truth or outright pulling the wool over our eyes.

The entire political system is fucked up in America and in the UK, it's not just Donald Trump. Donald Trump is like a huge fist sized bubble in a strip of freshly laid wallpaper. We don't just need to fix the big obvious bubble; we need to change the way we put wallpaper up because when you look at the rest of the wall, there are thousands of smaller bubbles that amount to the exact same problem of a fucked up wall.

Donald Trump is the dead canary in the coal mine. He's the clear and obvious indicator that something is horribly, horribly wrong. Getting rid of the canary's corpse does not solve the fucking problem.

The blowback from the alt-right, these vicious people spouting nationalism and racism and sexism. AND the constantly bickering and clamouring SJW lefties who want to dominate free thought and free speech. Both these sets of people have been pitted against each other intentionally so that they don't turn on the people at the top. It is the oldest trick in the book - don't blame the guys in charge, blame each other, it gives us longer to get away with it. Divide and conquer. Spread hate, spread war, spread fear, spread anger and people gravitate to the extremes... they are easier to control at the extremes.

...rant over i guess

If you found this boring, if you didn't want to look into it, you're part of the problem. You're contributing to the environment in which Trump can flourish.

There is no scrutiny, there is no being held to account. There is only the court of Rupert Murdoch and the Barclay brothers.

John Oliver - Republican Reactions to the Lewd Remarks

dannym3141 says...

Sometimes I feel like I live on a different planet to other people. People keep telling me 'that's what men do' but I'm a man and that's not what I've ever done. But I'm not going to bang on and on about Trump, it's all been said before.

Because I'm so used to the kind of trash Trump comes out with, what shocked me from this video is that Oliver would suggest Clinton is the end point of a century old quest for female equality. She is from a powerful, rich family with connections and funding from some of the shadiest, rapacious industries/organisations in the world. Her victory wouldn't be a triumph for women, it would be a triumph for money and the elite ruling classes.

A triumph for women would be a rise to status based on merit and hard work, battling oppression every step of the way to change opinions and break new ground for anyone who follows. The success of Hillary's career mirrored Bill's and as his power and wealth increased so did her's.

What does this say? Work hard and you can overcome the prejudices of a male dominated society? No - it says if you're from the right family and know the right people, you can be president. Called Bush or Clinton? You're in with a shot. Hillary winning doesn't change the game, it doesn't pioneer a new path for females.

It is bullshit and it riles me because it's a manipulation of virtue. Hey everyone, vote for our FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT, what an amazing and equal country we are, you're sexist if you don't want it! This has been a centuries long struggle but finally a strong enough woman has achieved what no other woman could do, it's time to recognise her strength of character! FUCK OFF. There have been millions of women more qualified and appropriate than her who never got even a sniff of a chance because they didn't anchor themselves to the right man, they weren't born into a particular family and spent childhood holidays with the sons and daughters of fossil fuel barons, investment companies, etc. The system is biased and wrong and Hillary winning only confirms that.

Why ALIENS Is the Mother of All Action Movies

dannym3141 says...

I have only one complaint. Calling "Get away from her you bitch!" the most famous line underplays the fact that this film is chock full of the most quotable lines in film history.

Compared to just about anything Apone says, also Hudson and many from Hicks, that line is pedestrian.

-"I like to keep this handy, for close encounters."
-"How do I get out of this chicken-shit outfit?"
-"Game over man... game over!"
-"Well why don't you put her in charge?!"
-"Me and my team of ultimate bad asses are here to protect you!... We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks," etc.
-"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit... it's the only way to be sure."
-"A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade - I LOVE THE CORPS!"
-"What do you want me to do, fetch your slippers for you?" etc. and "Look into my eye......"

I'll stop before I end up pasting the entire script.

Edit: One final complaint - i consider Aliens to be tarnished by associations with modern wonder woman, which IMO was indicative of the abject failure of rich Hollywood males to produce a worthy female superhero.

Removing rusted nuts using a candle and a lighter

dannym3141 says...

My dad builds cars and he has a million and one different things that you could possibly want, but he doesn't have any of that shit.

olyar15 said:

Wow, talk about pointless.

Anyone who does any work on cars will have a torch and a can of penetrant. Those work far better and faster than a candle and lighter. Seriously, use the proper tools for the job.

Every Commercial Ever

Man Stopped For Jaywalking Suffers Police Abuse

dannym3141 says...

They do it right in front of a fucking camera.... could it be any more obvious that they don't fear the consequences of abusing their position?

John Oliver - Wells Fargo

dannym3141 says...

Here's the thing... They CAN do that, and they CAN get away with it.

Seriously, what is anyone going to do about it? They did it, now they're rich, now they have powerful friends, now you can't get them.

You think Clinton will fix this? You think even Trump will fix this? Why didn't he release his tax returns I wonder?

Shoulda gone for Bernie. We should go for Corbyn. But you didn't, and we won't, and that's how we end up in managed worldwide decline.

John Oliver - Charlotte

dannym3141 says...

"Transparency is in the eye of the beholder."

It's scary that he would say that, because it's blatant double-speak from empowered people who are supposed to protect us. We should be more scared that the media representatives who were present didn't collectively take him to task on it. We should be even more scared that democratically elected representatives give their passive consent.

Who watches the watchmen?

Democrats are in deep trouble - even if Hillary Clinton wins

dannym3141 jokingly says...

Get what you want by voting for someone you don't like, and represents things you don't support!

No wait, I understand... vote for the lesser of two evils.

And next cycle, when they rig the election down to two evils again, vote for the lesser one again!

And the cycle after that, and the cycle after that.

.... 50 years later ....

Well if you don't like the way the world is, why did you keep voting for it?

The politics of "GOTCHA!"

draak13 said:

Yeah! That's how you get what you want!

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