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Kronosposeidon, Crittter and Swampgirl's Plans Saturday Nite

Girl Drink Drunk

deadgoon (Member Profile)

Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming

Ice diving music video / DJ Friction - On my way

Do Not Try This At Home - Cornstarch and Ellen DeGeneres

Ever mix strawberry soda with whiskey? (Drugs Talk Post)

critttter says...

KP, replace all those burned out lightbulbs. Examine your reality. You had STRAWBERRY SODA in your refrigerator! What percent of that do you think ever touched a real strawberry?
You drink gay.


Henri Salvador - Juanita Banana

The very definition of "Evolution in Action" (20 seconds)

Singing Protesters Gassed in Tacoma

Moody Blues - Tuesday Afternoon

Ever mix strawberry soda with whiskey? (Drugs Talk Post)

Poor Doggy Doesn't Like His New Galoshes

Dinner in the sky. $6,000 dollar meal, hanging from a crane.

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