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Bill Nye the Science Guy Dispels Poverty Myths

criticalthud says...

i'm not sure, but i'd start with texas.

pensword said:

Is this moralistic plan of yours meant to be applied universally, or only for those damn overbreeding black, brown and yellow hordes that threaten the white worlds' stable lifestyles and resources (resources, of courses, stolen from the third world)

Bill Nye the Science Guy Dispels Poverty Myths

How our society fails its men and boys -- the trailer

The History and Future of Everything -- Time

Duck Dynasty Is Fake!

White phosphorus mortar shell misfires

Lockheed F-35 vs F-18 Super Hornet

The Most Famous Nobody You've Never Heard of

Thorium Powered Car, Drive nowhere for 100 yrs on 8g of fuel

Incredible Sex = Horrible Death

Jon Stewart on Rob Ford's Response to Sexual Harassment

Upright Bass Player Being Filmed at High Shutter Speed


Someone else recorded Justin Bieber after sleeping with him

Police Force Man to 14-hour Anal Cavity Search!

criticalthud says...

if u look at the x-ray of the man, all sorts of spinal issues are apparent. even to the untrained eye. The pelvis has been, at a minimum, grossly subluxed (misaligned) at the pubic symphysis.

yes, he was clenching his buttocks. that is how one stabilizes fucked-up-edness.
this man was involved in an accident, probably auto, that caused him to walk funny. Likely, even without a prolonged anal rape, he was constantly in considerable pain to begin with.

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