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Natural Morality

crillep says...

>> ^Crunchy:
Upvote for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory clip

Looked like there were lasers tho.

I want to tell you about the most wonderful place in the world: Doggie heaven.
In doggie heaven, there are mountains of bones, and you can't turn around
without sniffing another dog's butt!

Bart: Is there a doggie hell?
Homer: Well... Of course, there couldn't be a heaven if there weren't a hell.
Bart: Who's in there?
Homer: Oh, uh... Hitler's dog... and that dog Nixon had, what's his name,
um, Chester...
Lisa: [annoyed] Checkers.
Homer: Yeah! One of the Lassies is in there, too. The mean one!
The one that mauled Jimmy!

Grey Diamonds optical illusion

This preacher is going to burn in hell !

crillep says...

Why is it that atheists preach more than anyone?

Spirituality is personal, so if you need to push your belief or nonbelief onto others than you are probably seeking confirmation for your own thoughts.

Australian Magazine Features 7ft Tall Model On Cover

Urban myths about climate change

crillep says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:>
Sorry bub, you may believe whatever you wish to believe, but if you wish to convince others you're going to have to make your point with peer reviewed research. Those are the breaks, kid. Life is hard.

Funny that you would say that, I haven't seen your peer reviewed research. But that's right, you don't need it because you have a link to wikipedia about global warming consensus. A consensus given to us by the IPCC. You should know that the IPCC is not comprised of only scientists. There are many activists from enviromental groups such as greenpeace as well. So your statement about politics having nothing to do with climate change is truely wrong. They have everything to do with it.

Also you more than anyone should stay informed about the massive critic "aka hockey stick" that is hitting CRU right now, if you plan to keep tossing your wikipedia links. There are plenty unanswered questions.

I do not wish to convince anyone of anything, I'm just tired of the close mindedness around this subject. Unfortunately if you ever saw what happens to scientists who don't conform to your consensus you might understand why they aren't willing to risk their career because they think something sounds fishy.

Urban myths about climate change

Jacob, Get Off The Xbox 360

Front Groups - The Hidden Persuaders

crillep says...

Taking a chance that the last comment was intended for me, I would just like to point out that I was not debating the existence of human influence on global warming. However the extent and the effect of it is debated widely.

But the subject can still be spun in either direction, the world will end soon, or we will get more sun

Like you say, as long as science is subject to peer review and so forth, it can only move forward. Therefore it should have no problem dealing with these groups. However it would be a mistake to ignore them.

Front Groups - The Hidden Persuaders

crillep says...

This video fails to mention that "so-called real" enviromental groups recieve funding as well. And the companies that fund them have opinions they would like portayed too. Both sides want funding and will do what it takes to further their cause. Frankly I'm glad that one group doesn't decide everything.

That's why it is ridiculous to ignore scientists who may be funded by a bigger corporation (i.e. ExxonMobil) and then call yourself bias. You can't discredit a scientist because of who pays him. You can however factcheck his work.

(somebody who compares global warming to cigarettes obviously wants to make a point as well)

Obama to Critics: Grab a mop!

Human LCD - Korean High-School Soccer Cheerleaders

crillep says...

This was ok, but it's not hard to find the same type of thing on a much larger scale. And without that horrible music in the backround. But most of all I'm just disappointed because I expected something very different when I read the word "cheerleaders" in the title. I'm sorry I couldn't watch this past 20 seconds, cool concept, bad video!

Captain Smooth Smokes For the First Time

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