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Uwe Boll Takes His Ball and Goes Home

U.S. spy plane records China's artificial islands

U.S. spy plane records China's artificial islands

coolhund says...

The USA hiding behind "international law"? Is that a joke? They are not even acknowledging The Hague and even have threatened to invade the Netherlands if they ever brought an US citizen before it.

A 350Z Procharger challenges a Porsche 991 GT3 ... and then

coolhund says...

Theres a lot of those "sleepers" in Germany. But they are mostly very unreliable and those guys have to put more work hours in them than they are able to drive them. A new engine every year is nothing unusual for these guys, but they get them cheap.

300 Foreign Military Bases? WTF America?!

coolhund says...

"defend against evil".
Should make you wary instantly.

And I laughed hard when I saw that they have 54,000 and 50,000 in Japan and Germany, where almost no threat exists, and only have 28,000 in South Korea where a real threat exists.

Sorry, but intelligent people dont buy this crap anymore. Its not the USA keeping the world safe, its cooperation. But if you stir up shit in the East, like right now and for the last few decades, there will be war. You cant expect people to stay peaceful when you invade their countries, install totalitarian regimes everywhere, finance and organize coup d'etats, sanction countries so only the people suffer and kill civilians everywhere with drones and cruise missiles. Its an audacious self-fulfilling prophecy, bullying tactics. You stir up shit and then when they get angry and attack you and those who support you, you point at them and say "told you so, you need our protection". And then furthermore have the audacity to blame other countries that do similar stuff in a MUCH smaller scale and mostly only due to the stuff you incited. Seriously... WTF? How stupid must you be to believe such bullshit of "world protection"???

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

Strength Is A Skill You Acquire, It's Not Only About Size

coolhund says...

Muscle size is pretty much limited by bone strength. Thats why there is a limit and you can only go over it by using steroids. With bigger bones you also of course get stronger tendons.
And if you have a bad muscle to bone ratio, your bone snaps in an arm wrestling match.

ghark said:

Building up the bones and tendons through practice is pretty important as well, but yea, strength is definitely less important than most probably think. The main exception though i'd say is if you want to tricep press your opponent. You can hold someone much stronger than you with proper technique and enough endurance, but if you want to finish them with a tricep press you gotta have beastly triceps.

President Obama Reads Mean Tweets

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

coolhund says...

No matter whos at fault, the insurance company will have a very good chance to deny any payments because the truck driver could have avoided the accident easily, no matter what. Instead he actually seemed to have sped up or left his foot on the gas. That I am sure will break his neck in court.

Fascinating autism test for "theory of the mind" in children

coolhund says...

Makes me wonder if we have a lot of politicians and people who believe them, who are autistic, when they say "we didnt start the violence in the middle east and the massive amount of extremists there right after we used so much violence there and killed so many civilians there is just a coincidence".

Driver Beaten And Tazed As St Louis Police Shut Off Dashcam

The problem with actions movies today

coolhund says...

Fury was laughable. It tried too hard, so it looked like a pathetic propaganda movie from exactly those times.
John Wick however was really well made. It felt like a good 80s or 90s action flick.

Pole Vaulting with Allison Stokke

Bill Nye makes fun of Neil deGrasse Tyson's reply to Dawkins

coolhund says...

Agreed. Thats also why psychology is actually mostly mathematics. Ask any 1st semester student. Its really just cause and effect. What really shocks me all the time is that most people just dont get this simple fact.

brycewi19 said:

And that statement might be the biggest bunch of crap I've read on the Sift in this last week, considering that psychology is fundamentally rooted in neuro-biological reactions to our environment (an evidence-based hard science).

science explains why rich people don't care about you

coolhund says...

If something like that interest you, you should watch the first part of Zeitgeist - Moving Forward. It goes on where this short clip stops and explains that we are never born bad.
The whole documentary is very good.

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