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Pageant mom defends daughter's hooker costume

cito says...

every one of those toddler's in tiaras shows should be locked up for pedophilia.

There was one where the mother had the girls baby teeth all pulled by a dentist, just so she could be fit with adult dentures to give her a more mature smile.

it's just pedophilia

Bill O'Reilly Asked Cops To Investigate Wife's Boyfriend

cito says...

nobody cares what a msnbc brown mouthpiece says, or what a redneck fox mouthpiece says...

just 2 different parts of the same political correct retard movement.

remove political correctness and this world would be a much better place.

Great Cosplay Yip Yip Martians @ DragonCon 2011

Gordon Ramsay Eats Shark Fin Soup for the First Time

cito says...

I've had sharkfin soup several times, and he's right there isn't much flavor in the fin by itself if you get the expensive one.

the cheaper ones have more fishy type flavor...

the same idea is similar to bird's nest soup. The cheaper ones have a funky gamey little bitter flavor while the more expensive ones are sorta neutral taking on the flavor of the broth and surroundings.

I've only had cheap bird's nest soup cause that is one dish that can reach thousands of dollars in different areas.

The best sharkfin soup I've had was actually in Iceland, but I've also ate Puffins in Iceland also which are a delicacy.

Those are really the only 3 "controversial" items I've ate, but being from south I eat many things people would frown upon.

From baby deer, to gators in the deep south, we'd eat just about anything or at least try it once

Finland's Greatest Musical Contribution - Ievan Polkka

All Eight/8 Parts of The BBS Documentary Online

cito says...

My favorite BBS was called "The Green Lantern BBS" I used a 300 baud in the early days on a trs 80 then moved to a tandy 1000 EX


sending email via FIDOnet before the internet came along

Kid almost gets hit by a car - a close call!

Donkey cigarette dispenser

Mysterious bubble cloud sighting in China

MAD Magazine Fold-In Collection

cito says...

This is cool idea, I actually downloaded a ebook torrent off piratebay like 5 years ago that was a huge collection of the fold-ins done like in the video here with the original and the folded in version side by side.

Whipping It Out on Live TV

DeLorean time-travels into 2011!

cito says...

Here is Security Camera footage of the same scene:

seems viral, and if you notice this Delorean is missing Mr Fusion, So it could take place during the cloning of the Delorean as explained in the Back to the future video game that came out last year from the lightning strike caused a split in the time rift as explained in the video game thus creating a new Delorean to travel 2 months after the events of part 3. (explained in video game)

BUT <- big but
with that said

probably just a local argentina viral ad for something <- most likely or who knows
could be an amateur production. But that is the older Christopher. So that's cool.

Florence + The Machine - What The Water Gave Me

cito says...

yea this is horrible, "canned" new pop is really an embarrassment on the music industry.

Companies like ARK music factory <- wikipedia them
and others hire people that can halfassed sing then as with ARK they have more computer techs than musicians running them through ableton/flstudio and compression to make them halfassed acceptable then they buy songs at 100 dollars a pop, hell ARK Even advertises on craigslist for songwriters they pay 100 dollars per song or "poem" to give the "artist" which is the wrong term for it something to sing.

pop music today is pure canned crap pretty much. Companies like ARK music factory is just an overcomplicated 419 Nigerian scam... don't believe me go read up on them , they are ran by a nigerian who used to run 419 scams.

And he is now turned his scamming on the music industry

Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution

cito says...

Theory of Evolution by itself is wrong

Theory of Creationism by itself is wrong

But most non fanatical christians like myself believe both.

big bang or intelligent spark that kicked it all off, then left alone to evolve and grow to our full potentials.

Creation + Evolution is 2 theories combined that makes better sense for me and luckily the private school my children go to are taught that as well. They dont teach one or the other they teach a combined possibility that many scientists also can agree on the "theory". They the big bang started it all, and that big bang occured somehow.

Anyhow I'm not fanatical and I don't care what religious nuts believe or atheist believe,

belief is a personal and family thing and should stay that way, So people who believe otherwise I respect the privacy of their beliefs as well as this I have wrote is my own families private belief.

Revving it! And Revving And Revving And Revving AND

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