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The Absolutely Stunning Dance of the Peacock Spider

What Kind Of Asian Are You?

Stephen Colbert schools James Franco on Tolkien knowledge

calmlyintoit says...

I just finished the SIlmarillion and that question was a soft ball for a master like Colbert. Of course the elves know her as "Elbereth, kindler of the stars."

Stephen Fry on American vs British Humor

Silo Collapses in a Freaky Way

Little Girl Only Gonna Take So Much Shit From Teacher

Homeless Man Silences the Room with his Beautiful Voice

A Super Cute...Baby Fruit Bat (It Is Cute!)

R2D2 Budgie

Diane Tran - Honor Student Jailed for Missing School

Amazing footage of Rhino vs Buffalo

Epic Great Cat Jump From a Van To The Roof

60 - Numberphile

calmlyintoit says...

>> ^probie:

I've always wondered why there were 360 degrees in a circle.

I was just making the case to a cousin and my father a couple of months ago that I figured a circle had 360 degrees because the circle of the year just about had 360 days! My skeptic scientific dad was cool with it, but my French cousin poopoo'd it, or whatever dismissive sound they make in French...

In The 70's You Weren't Required To Be High, But it Helped.

How I Participate In An Anti-Gay Protest

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