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Dennis Leary Red Sox TV Commercial

Frightening Crash at the 2006 Tour de France

Geraldo: Skinheads (Part 4 - Geraldo's Nose Broken by Chair)

broruss says...

Is it just my imagination, or did the african-american gentleman actually start the whole thing (as far as it getting physical, I mean). Doesn't really make him look any better than the goons who provoked him. And the Jewish guy seems a little unhinged too. And the audience is a bunch of quivering cowards. And the "non-racist" skinheads are a joke. Hell, everyone in this video sucks!

Five minutes of Mitch Hedberg

If fallen soldiers came back to life and voted...

broruss says...

Swampgirl, what is truly "disrespectful and shameful" to our soldiers, is failing to provide them with adequate protective gear, shipping their bodies home in unmarked trucks, censoring the photography of their flag-draped caskets and memorial services, cutting the benefits of those who survive their ordeal, and having a president who won't even attend any of their funerals. Oh yeah, and going on public school property to enlist them. Oh and also lying to them about why they are fighting. To name a few.

Hitler...In COLOUR

FEMA Concentration Camps

broruss says...

Hey this is not a future concentration camp for dissidents, it is a Homeland Security Safety Center. Our children will be safe there when the Axis of Evil strikes. I already have my kids micro-chipped for easy retrieval and removal to safety, when the inevitable happens. I understand that they will have plenty of free McDonalds and Chik-Fil-A in there, and plenty of TVs with Fox News playing. Why the fuss? Your government has it all under control.

War - Low Rider music video

"Expert" Zippo trickster meets his match, pun intended (NSFW)

Will Ferrell Sells iPods

Creepy Milk Commercial

Sleater Kinney: Breaking Up the Band

broruss says...

"Why does she keep looking to the right (her left)? "

I would guess that the director told her to do it, because he thought it would make her look sexy (coy, coquettish, whatever). Reminds me of Susanna Hoffs, who constantly looks from side to side in those old Bangles videos. Of course, the real result is, she looks like an idiot who is thirty-something and still trying to be a college girl rock star.

Jon Stewart: The Best Host Ever

broruss says...

How refreshing to see a host say what everyone else is already thinking, but wouldn't dare to say. Like all Hollywood ho's, Jennifer is a good shill for the studio, and plays the role of enthusiastic promoter, pretending to actually believe in the crappy project. You can tell that Stewart has no intention of being in any more movies, so he doesn't care if he pisses off his fellow yids at the big studios.

New Govt Released Pentagon 9/11 Video

broruss says...

Jeremy cites the Popular Mechanics article that was written to help us all feel better about the unanswered questions. Interesting that the web version of that article doesn't cite an author. The author's last name is Chertoff. If that last name sounds familiar, it's because the author is the brother of our "Homeland Security" chief Michael Chertoff. Just something to think about. Now go back to sleep America, your government is in control. Go back to watching American Idol and the NBA finals.

Guy suddenly vomit

broruss says...

All you have to do to know that this is phony, is to follow the link to the munkybutter site. It's just a couple of video/graphic design guys from Dallas who make phony video clips that you can buy, to drive more people to your site. I love watching weird clips that are real, but pretty soon idiots like this are going to have so many phony clips cluttering up the web that it will ruin it for everyone. I should have guessed they were a couple of profit-driven jarheads from Dallas, judging from the painfully unfunny writing and super-slick website.

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