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Authorities Seize Family Home Over $40-Worth of Drugs

How we give out moderating powers to Sifters (Controversy Talk Post)

radx (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Sorry, I've been away for so long. But I've definitely been keeping an eye on the NSA news. Hope you're well.

radx said:

A not-so-little update, if you're still around and interested.

Jacob Appelbaum working with "Der Spiegel" basically confirmed the existence of BadBIOS this morning. Dragos may not actually have it, but the Snowden files prove that the NSA has tools that do precisely what was attributed to BadBIOS.

Happy 8th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

Truth in Media: Vaccine Court and Autism

blankfist says...


No one in the video claims that autism is caused by vaccines. They're bringing to light the vaccine court which has paid out settlements for autism cases. And that the pharm companies cannot be held individually liable. Why is that getting downvoted?

Truth in Media: Vaccine Court and Autism

News Anchor Doesn't Believe in Santa

Truth in Media: Vaccine Court and Autism

chicchorea (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Ha. You know, when I first got into LA back in 1999, it had started to lightly drizzle, and I was on my way to buy a book from Barnes and Noble at the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica.

I got no more than a few steps onto the Promenade before I see a news team with a plastic wrapped camera. The instant they see me, it was like Christmas morning to them, because I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and carried no umbrella. In fact, I remember thinking how odd it was to see people covering up as if it were a monsoon sweeping through LA. They sprint for me. The camera goes up. And the mic goes into my face, and it's like, "Why are you dressed like this in the rain?" It was surreal. To them, this was fucking news!

But I must admit that since being in LA for 14 years, I am not a big pussy when it comes to rain. Time in a place changes you. Now, to me, the light drizzle feels like a monsoon and I have to get out of it pronto! Ha.

eric3579 said:

Are you OK? I heard it was fricken raining down south. Hunker down. Dont go outside. It will pass.

Nitrogen Triiodide

eric3579 (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

And by "interest" me, you meant boil my blood, right?

Ridiculous. The majority of people will side with the police, but, honestly, did they need to open fire? She was being pulled over for speeding, not running a violent drug cartel. She was definitely in the wrong to drive off, but does that give a group of men the moral right to use force against this family? I don't know. It's hard for me to reconcile that knowing this was started over a traffic ticket. That doesn't make you a criminal. And driving off and stopping and resisting when a man is trying to pull you from a van, to me, doesn't make you a criminal, either.

Those damaging property, breaking glass over children, and so emotionlessly opening fire on a van of human beings are the real criminals, in my eyes. Diatribe over!

eric3579 said:

Thought this might interest you.

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