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Jackass - Golf Air Horn

biminim says...

Funny stuff. I play golf very occasionally, but it's just too damned expensive, and every time I'm on the course I think, "To be good at this, I'd have to spend an awful lot of money and time. How many marriages have been ruined by this game? How many fathers have wasted all this time away from their children?" So when I do golf, I take my kids and enjoy time with them and I don't worry about the stupid game. There are beaucoups assholes out there playing golf. It's fun to see them get all bent out of shape. Threatening to physically assault someone up because they mess with your backswing? Come on. And the guy who tried to hit them with the ball would be facing serious charges if someone got hurt.

Robots With a Mind of Their Own

Get 'Em Donahue

biminim says...

Someone once said, "The first person to raise his voice in an argument loses." O'Reilly is a perpetual loser and a belligerent fool. He says that Donahue doesn't know "geopolitics." I wonder what credentials O'Reilly has? He says Iraq was a "tactical error." No, a tactical error is a small error. Iraq was/is a strategic error of the highest order, creating unforseen complications and repercussions for decades, if not generations. O'Reilly has a classic move where he throws an accusation at someone that, if thrown back at him, would leave him incapable of replying. For example, the geopolitics comment. If Donahue had said back to him, "Well, Bill, explain the geopolitical ramifications of Iraq vis-a-vis U.S. relations with China," O'Reilly probably would have shit his pants. A friend of mine in the Marine Corps, intelligence, connected with Langley, assured me, ASSURED me, in the fall of 2002 that there wouldn't be a war because it just didn't make any sense. It just didn't make sense. He is fluent in Arabic, knows the region, etc., etc., etc., and he said that it just didn't make any sense to invade Iraq.

McCain still lying about success of 'The Surge' (16 sec)

biminim says...

But what defines "success"? If the surge is "succeeding," he must have an idea of what the final goal is. As far as I can ascertain, the final goal is a self-sufficient, unified, democratic Iraq. I don't see how that is ever going to happen in our lifetimes.

Archie Bell and The Drells - Do The Tighten Up

Rush Limbaugh's first & last appearance with a live audience

biminim says...

O'Reilly and Limbaugh are both bullies and sophists. All they want is to keep their ratings up and to be "right." As long as they "win" the argument, whether by rhetorical sleight of argument or insult or indirection, they don't care about the truth. They have done an awful lot to ruin the spirit of debate and inquiry in this country.

Sexy singing robot

biminim says...

"Sexy"? Pathetic is more like it. And what IS a "fully functional sex-bot"? One that swallows? And so you'd have a rubberized plastic big-nippled robot with a sperm receptacle that you'd have to empty and clean once a week? Are you really thinking these comments through???

Two Drunks Try To Steal a Log and Escape on a Bicycle

biminim says...

You guys are debating whether or not it's French, while I want to know, what is in that log? There's gotta be more to the story. That log must be the famous Loire Valley Leprechaun Log or something. I mean, that's an awful lot of hernia-inducing labor over a log. Maybe the log is made out of gold or palladium. Or maybe it's the magical All-Day-Erection Log. Or maybe it's the log that causes fair maidens to fall hopelessly in love with you. Maybe there are magic mushrooms growing in the log! Endless questions. The least of which is, "Hey, Tater, you think they's talkin' French or Flemish?"

TDS: Full Release

biminim says...

We've all seen how the office of president ages someone. Imagine McCain at the age of 75 running for reelection. Or better yet, just imagine him having to deal with multiple crises at the age of 74 while his prostate is acting up and those damned next door kids are running around on the White House lawn again! I wonder if he'd get a little dog and ride around D.C. with it sitting on his lap with its head out the window. Or maybe he'll be popping Viagra and getting a nine-hour woody and have to be rushed to Walter Reed. Oh, the possibilities!

Best Electric Vivaldi performance you will see this hour

Best Buy Dance Off

biminim says...

You gotta do better than "Geek Squad." I mean, where's the creativity in just copying the name? Now, since they were shaking their moneymakers, why not call them The Cheek Squad? Huh? Huh? Like it?

McCain Gets The Facts Wrong... Again

biminim says...

Who, I wonder, IS the "average American"? When John McCain asks that question, whom does he have in mind?

For others here: who do YOU think is an "average American"? An Italian-American housewife whose husband is German-Irish-American and works in city government in Beaumont, TX?

Is the "average American" white? Hispanic? Asian? African-American? Male?

And, gosh, do we really want the "average American" to be the yardstick by which we judge knowledge of foreign affairs?

Baby Fight!

biminim says...

Baby Fight! It's all good, excep for when a baby get his teefus broke, then he give his mama bloody nipples en shitz.

I seen me plenny baby fights. Shee, the best baby fighter I ever seen? That would be Timmy "Foreskin" Thibodeaux, fought in the microweight division back in '89. The boy went 16-0-1, 11 by KO. He would knock a baby down, then take his Binky and taunt his ass. The boy was a natural born killer!

Stark Industries Presents the BLU-108

biminim (Member Profile)

biminim says...

No, not really. The initial hostage problem was "solved" when Reagan took office. When Carter and Reagan were in the limo going to the inaugural together, Carter got a call that the hostages were being released. There is much speculation that somehow the Reagan team orchestrated the release, that there was a back channel deal to keep the hostages through the election, and that once Reagan got elected and inaugurated, they would be let go.

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