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John McCain Gets BarackRoll'd @ RNC

Olbermann Apologizes For Airing Republican 911 Video

Olbermann Apologizes For Airing Republican 911 Video

biminim says...

Very interesting Freudian slip: "And we will never let it happen again." So they are admitting they let it happen the first time?? Stop the presses! The Republicans finally confess to complicity in 9/11.

Obama : "I've Been Called Worse On The Basketball Court"

biminim says...

I don't know if I've seen McCain speak to the press for nearly seven minutes like this without Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman standing behind him to whisper corrections in his ear.

Chris Matthews Battles Full-On PUMA Inanity

biminim says...

Brick List!!

She says, "Some people may have an open mind, but . . ."

So, she's saying she doesn't have an open mind, right? I like how she simpers and nods, as if to say, "That's right, I'm on a roll. Deal with it, bitches!!"

Brick List!!!

Chris Matthews Explodes at Pat Buchanan

biminim says...

Brick List!!

What is the Brick List, you ask? People who need to get whapped upside the head with a nice old Virginia brick.

Pat Buchanan: You've just made the Brick List!!

The Daily Show - Sarah Palin & The Gender Card

biminim says...

Face it: we need the Republicans to win again so the quality and quantity of material for The Daily Show won't be compromised. We need our chuckles, Yo!

ABC: Another Trooper Scandal For Palin

Ghouliani Argues with MSNBC: "Go Ask Obama!"

biminim says...

And, oh wait, I forgot: he had the nerve to mention that Obama has never been south of the border? So fukken what?? And he says that Obama "got it wrong about Georgia three times"? The only reason McCain knows about Georgia is because his foreign policy advisor was a paid lobbyist for the Georgian government. AND let's not forget that McCain has repeatedly gotten it wrong about Shiites and Sunni. Now, getting Georgia wrong (whatever he's referring to) three times is understandable when a crisis like this breaks out. But getting Shiite and Sunni wrong when Islam has been on the front page of every newspaper for the past 8 years?????

Ghouliani Argues with MSNBC: "Go Ask Obama!"

biminim says...

I predict that before this election happens, many, many, many heads will explode from uncontrollable anger and frustration.

First he says she's got more experience than Obama. Then he says she's got the same experience as Obama. Which is it?

And, of course, this is the same moron who hired Kerik. And he's an adulterer. And he capitalized, financially and in terms of his image, off of 9/11.

Lil' Jukebox Hero

Massive explosions - BLEVE

Dude Shoots Self In Head With Flare Gun

And The Darwin Award Goes To....Dumb Fire Skater

Dick Morris Claims the US Didn't Invade Iraq

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