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US Missile Deal Enrages Russia (Part 1)

bigbikeman says...

"nobody really understands it" (2:00m)

That's because it's fucking insane.

Personally, I'm getting sick and tired of seeing "Russia Enraged", "US Condemns", "China Ambivalent". Quit personifying countries and cultures based on their megalomaniac leadership. (Edit: Netrunner, not directed at you, but headlines everywhere)

Racism? Nationalism? Does anyone actually wonder where that shit comes from when they read newspaper headlines? Anyone who has ever travelled anywhere would easily sit down with anyone from *any* other country and have a cup of coffee with them, and be able to (language differences aside) have a sane and reasonable conversation with them about almost *anything* and it would not end in so much as a fistfight. Thanks to the internet, you don't even need to actually leave your home to realize that the phrase "we are One" is true for a massive majority of people all over the world.

What the fuck is this shit? In a world with a global internet, do we really still need to listen to these egotistical gasbag leaders? Democracy? I see no interest of the masses being held up here. Argh.

/end pointless rant that nobody cares about anyway

Empire: Total War Naval Gameplay Video

the result of seing Ann Coulter naked

Death Star Over San Francisco

The Process of Making Gold...

Sexy new Lara Croft model revealed

Bill Maher's Interview with a Low IQ Senator - Religulous

Bill Maher's Interview with a Low IQ Senator - Religulous

bigbikeman says...


So if we're still standing on the rug you thought you pulled out from under us, Asshaton, what's that in your hands? Oh my! It looks EPIC FAIL! Thanks for adding to the comedy, you silly twat.

Bill Maher's Interview with a Low IQ Senator - Religulous

Windows - Howto Hide Files inside JPGs

Don't give the Gunny a camel spider,he will act like a girl

Hysterical Bird Murderer

John Edwards Admits Affair

Al Franken Draws US Map Free Hand.

Noam Chomsky on Pornography

bigbikeman says...

I wonder what his views on gay porn would be, seeing as they don't have any frail, defenseless, only-have-a-choice-because-men-give-them-one women being degraded in them.

All of his nonsense implicitly assumes that sex is bad---or at least vulgar, that women don't actually enjoy sex on the same (base/animal) level as some men, and that porn is only there for the pleasure of men.

Sexist, old-school poppycock, all of it.

PS: Chomsky, who reads every major US paper daily and has an encyclopedic knowledge of all things America (among other things), has never even heard of Hustler magazine? Larry Flynt? For someone with such a strong opinion on pornography he seems uncharacteristically ill-prepared to talk about it.

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