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PT Anderson talks about film vs. digital

arnor says...

I think he was right when he said it, and quite possibly still is.

However, like you said — this was almost a decade ago, and a lot has happened to digital in those years. Right now, I think we're at a point where some movies can benefit from being done digitally, and others would be done a great injustice if not shot and shown in the film medium.

In five years, we may be at a place where our understanding of the digital medium is good enough that it can compete fully with film, though, IMO.

Hillary in the House - the Music Video

They Can't Stop!

Chris Matthews DESTROYS Right Wing Talking Head

Blowing the Tetris Music Theme

Retarded Policeman - Episode 9: Boobies

Life Imitates South Park

S U P E R M O M !!!!!

Wikipedia wars

An Engineer's Guide to Cats

arnor says...

My cat certainly enjoyed the cat yodeling... Now, however, she's back in the "ignoring the human, hoping it'll go away, but leave food, and something expensive for me to break"-mode.

Clean Your Sub - DOOM Style!

Parents are people!

Yael Naim - Toxic (Good Britney Spears cover)

iVirus - the artform of the Newton Virus

arnor says...

Should probably point out that this, despite the name, isn't really a virus. In that it doesn't spread from computer to computer, nor does it contain any malicious code...

EDIT: 'Doh. I should've watched the video first, of course. =)

McCain courts the elderly stoner vote with shitty commercial

arnor says...

So... Is the WWII-imagery there to remind us that McCain lived through both world wars and the fall of the roman empire, or...?

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